Rigs for Entropic disintegrators

As all other weapon systems have rigs, what about adding Rigs for entropic disintegrators?
All the rigs for persecuror weapons too, like a collision accelerator or locus coordinator etc…

And maybe an additional one: Persecuror spool accelerator
increases the damage bonus per cycle by 50% for T1 and 100% for T2, but uses 200/300 calibration.

also nice would be faction variants of the radiation sinks.

Let me know what you think


HA! You funny. Regular damage rigs (the straight damage multiplier rigs) dont even increase damage by that much.

Faction radiation sinks, optimal-only tracking scripts, and aerator and calefaction rigs are definte must haves. In terms of damage spool rigs, a T1 @5% and T2@10% (200 and 300 calibration, respctively) would work.

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Great idea

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