You do understand that CCP, Pearl Abyss or whatever industry will favour what will bring them the most money, right ? If they simply and utterly destroy their game, they’ll lose the whole community. Maybe two people will be left, one being you since you follow their every move like a good loyal dog, really I don’t care.
So i really doubt they’ll change anything according to what you said.
The sad part of this is that you really seem to believe what you just wrote,or that you and your kind have any influence over CCP in making the right decisions.
You are simply not important enough,the masses are,and the masses want casual and this is a course ccp have to follow like it or not.
This is so sad that you simply cannot understand or even see the slightest needs of this game because those dam blindfolds are hindering you to see the truth…
It’s not healthy to do that…the falling height to the reality ground will hurt more the higher you seem to be…
And you will fall…and fail in your attemp to deny gravity…
There are so many good doctors out there that can help you in your lack of seeing the reality as it really is…
Just look out for help,they will give it to you…
1: criticizing someone on the one hand and than doing the exact same thing you criticize about him on the other hand is failing in his own demand at best.
2: You mean differences like beeing absolutely right and true in everything and standing on ones opinion that is said against all resistance and not fall back in line if there is raging wind against one makes one unique?
Well…this definition is a sign of the time maybe and you even remarking it makes you part of the system that only allows “THE” opinion and not the truth because the truth cannot be,it hasn’t be,it mustn’t.
THIS is what this is all about.
The difference between what is and what has to be.
I can see what has to be btw,you in your brainwashed mind just defend the past with claws and teeth because you think that’s all you have.
But there is a better eve on the horizon,maybe another eve but a better one…with more players and less outdated stuff that is long done in the trashbin of mmog history.
You just have to hug it and welcome it.
But you don’t because you call it “casual” and “this is not eve anymore”.
Well…part of the time i guess.
Can i have your stuff?
That’s the difference between one that is stucked in certainties and one that actually is open minded and open for an experiment.
In my world everything is possible,in your world OTHERS have defined what you have to think and what is true.
Ah, the beautiful horrors created by the consumption of somewhat illegal products… some people call them their little worlds, apparently.
If you use the third fork “just to be different”, you missed the whole point of the damn picture. Go on, feel different if you want, I won’t stop you. But you also won’t stop everyone to think you look like an idiot, flitching your fork in every god damn direction because you can’t get anything to stick on it.
Also, concerning your idea of “kind” and the way you refer to people that just doesn’t follow your ideas…
There was once a little German boy that wanted to make a special kind of people. Strangely it didn’t worked out.