Rolling Thunder - New Update on 22 Sep

Very much needed after the booster nerf. Not quite as strong as their original bonus, but a good balance!

With all faxes using 1 cap booster was thinking this should apply to all of them?

Blops still suck for using attacking but resistance increase means not as bad for a cyno. Widow still needs an overhaul.

Edencoms ships are still bad in general. I think I would rather see fixed on the ammo range and then change the numbers of ships hit.
Ex. Ammo A. Only hits 1 target but does max damage to it.
Ammo B. Hits 2 targets but only does 80% to the primary and 45% to the secondary.
Ect from there and % can be balanced from there.

Other rants Mummians need a nerf. Zealots need a buff.


oh nice although the changes on edencom ships are not very huge but still an improvementā€¦

Why does the Edencom Vorton projector hit its own Drones when they are deployed?
I donā€™t know of any other ship that targets its own drones and inflicts damage on them.
Or is it just me?


Any word on fixes for their T2 ammunition and modules? T2 vorton ammo is currently the single most expensive ammo per-shot in the entire game, capital ships included.

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Most skills (except specialization and invention) can be bought directly from the character sheet. You do not need to submit yourself to being gouged.


I heard you guys went into null and it was not as you expected. Just pulling from memory I believe it was said " the only thing this fires is good vibes". Perhaps player feedback isnā€™t completely worthless? Iā€™m sure youā€™ll have to check with the null alliances first of course.

Yes. The bitterness is real.


Wow i was so sure that they arenā€™t added in this system just like triglavian stuff so i didnā€™t even checked :flushed: Thank you! Already training :smiley:

But it still apply for the specializaton skills. Hope the prices will drop soon.

If this patch sets any precedent, they wonā€™t. CCP clearly does not understand why it is these ships are expensive. This patch will have no effect whatsoever on the price of EDENCOM items on the market.


Now can we address the issue about the price of ammo and volton projector modules? I mean when the tech 1 gun is worth nearly half the value of the ship we have a problem.

Honestly - none of this will make me what to buy, build or fly any of these ships. Not a real fix to what any of them need. I suspect the Edcom ships will be trophies for some folks, that get pulled out for the Jita day parade of ships, and beyond that they are hanger queens.


If you make the Black Ops fuel bay 2160, then we can fit 72000 whole isotopes inside instead of 71666.66666666666666666666ā€¦

Please please please <3 <3 <3


Almost as if the EDENCOM ships were designed by CCP to perform badly against Trigs. :thinking:

Perhaps we will see elevated stats and decreased prices on them once CCP uses the Trigs to rearrange EVEā€™s landscape to their liking.


Cheap blops fit is 1.4bā€¦ Sure itā€™s only 70% as effective as a t1 battleship and need pimp to make it good, but you can still drop on something.

Still, for ~2b you can drop a carrier, much more dps/ ehp per isk spent.


The Item Cost is the driver, or rather the inhibitor, not the LP cost.:

The very basic version of an Edencom frigate requires:

Small Vorton Projector BPC (10 runs): 1000 Triglavian Sublight Telemeter, 50 Triglavian Transconduit Datacaster
Skybreaker (frig) BPC (5 runs): 100 Sublight, 750 Datacaster
Vorton Tuning Telemeter (10 runs) (weapon upgrade): 600 Sublight
any Condensor Pack (10 runs) (small ammo): 300 Sublight, 10 Datacaster

Total: 2000 Sublight Telemeters, 810 Transconduit Datacasters, no ISK, and 7000 LP (the equivalent of 24 ECā€™s solo up to trio)

For the most basic of fitted Edencom cruisers: 3300 Sublight Telemeters, 1370 Transconduit Datacasters, no ISK, and 10250 LP (35 ECā€™s solo - trio)

After running hundreds of ECā€™s solo since June and looting almost all wrecks, the tally is:
more than plenty of LP and very blue to Edencom,
2320 Sublight Telemeters
1657 Datacasters
(and 3 Triglavian Holographic Transcribers but I was lucky. The drop chance per EC is less than 1%)

So nope, still canā€™t even start to build a simple cruiser with simple weapon and simple anything elseā€¦ That initial speed bump to acquire the bpcā€™s is just too steep. With all respect, who cares about LP cost in this light.


Will we be seeing a look at marauders any time soon?

Theyā€™ve been pretty harshly effected by recent patches.


Need BPOā€™s for ammo.

The big question isā€¦ will Vorton guns also attack suspect players on-gridā€¦ cause if they do, they remain unusable in hsec setting or with other words canā€™t be used in invasion fleetsā€¦ what is the point of having them even then?


dear ccp, why does the panther have a velocity bonus? (not talking about the cloaked velocity bonus)
is it a nano kiting battleship?
training minmatar battleship 5

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lol yeh, EDENCOM is a response to invasions yet we canā€™t use edencom ships to fight invasions