[12:22:49] EVE System > Channel MOTD: Welcome to the EVE Rookie Help Channel! For all your EVE related questions.
Prohibited in this channel: Trading or other financial interactions; begging; recruitment, soliciting, or advertising of any sort; political (ingame or out) or other offtopic discussion. Swearing, trolling, spam, typing in caps, text decoration, or being otherwise disruptive…
How a New Eve Online Player find their way to Eve Online Forum pages ?
What is the forum page visibility lvl for new pilots what is the percentage?
IS there any spesific reason keep Forum pages under new pilots radar ?
I have seen much more effective corp MOTDs focused on directing people to the right sources and answers…
Im not questioning here if it exist or not …
I am questioning its effectiveness and visibility .
Forum Pages are extremely important aspect for online communities SOCIAL INTEGRATION … and i have mentioned so many times before that CCP doesnt have any SI politics … and zero understanding about leading and managing… thats also one of basic reason of bad player retention rates…
As long as they ignore this perspective they will never be able to make it out …
Im just showing some reflections …some small to chew easily to sort stuff for now. For bigger deal they have to deal with someone professional… and if they think they have it… fire it in first hand … Because my first-hand experience… they don’t have that holistic approach by all means …