S0B Alliance [EST: 2011] Recruiting Corps for 0.0

Sons of Bane is a Null Sec Sov Alliance Looking for corporations wanting to live in Null Sec. S0B has more than a decade of experience and has lasted simply due to the way we manage ourselves. We are truly about community and content. With that said, we are looking to add like minded corporations to our growing community.

Your corp will have daily access to large fleet ops, small gang roams, and specialized content. We also provide a solid industry infrastructure within our space as well as access to blue space. We encourage all styles of play and do not frown on any specific interest that your corp specializes in, as long as its understood that we ALL fight for our things!.

What is offered:

  • Member activity in US / AU and EU Time Zones
  • Operational freedom to do what pleases you and your members.
  • Sov space with a “very” short route to Jita,
  • PvP content to meet you and you’re corps needs.
  • Small gang roams and blop fleets.
  • Large fleets with Alliance and Coalition
  • Structures for all industrial needs and space for ratting.
  • Alliance moons and rental programs.
  • A very competitive buyback program.
  • PvE op’s as well as lvl 5 missions.
  • Home Based Markets
  • Jump bridge networks for quick travel to all markets.
  • Discord, Mumble for voice coms

What’s Required:

  • Corps with Strong leadership and a active membership.
  • Social players who can work together with alliance members.
  • Must participate in PvP ops and Home Defense.
  • Monthly participation requirements.
  • Corps to use Alliance coms for everyday tasks.
  • A firm grasp that your corporation is yours to build and grow.

Interested? Please Join our in-game recruitment channel SOB PUB, Also feel free to join our discord SOB Corp/Member Recruitment or you simply ask your questions here.

Click here for individual corp recruitment info.

BuMP for the corps who want to be apart of an alliance that is focused on maximum content, fun and a solid community, over heavy monthly requirements and foolish expectations.

BuMP for the corps who want to be apart of an alliance that is focused on maximum content, fun and a solid community, over heavy monthly requirements and foolish expectations. We have much to offer! Industry, Mining, PvP, PvE, and Much more!

BuMP for the corps who want to be apart of an alliance that is focused on maximum content, fun and a solid community, over heavy monthly requirements and foolish expectations. We have much to offer! Industry, Mining, PvP, PvE, and Much more!

BuMP for the corps who want to be apart of an alliance that is focused on maximum content, fun and a solid community, over heavy monthly requirements and foolish expectations. We have much to offer! Industry, Mining, PvP, PvE, and Much more!

BuMP for the corps who want to be apart of an alliance that is focused on maximum content, fun and a solid community, over heavy monthly requirements and foolish expectations. We have much to offer! Industry, Mining, PvP, PvE, and Much more!

BuMP for the corps who want to be apart of an alliance that is focused on maximum content, fun and a solid community, over heavy monthly requirements and foolish expectations. We have much to offer! Industry, Mining, PvP, PvE, and Much more!


bump - Looking for pvp and mining corps alike - we have stuffs to do and need more nerds to do it!

Bump - Is your Alliance stale or dying? need things to do? check us out we shall not disappoint.

bump for recruitment

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