Safe mining in LS and NS

Miners rejoice!

CCP added a new unannounced ASTEROID BELT MINING EVENT in all parts of space.

Well, not really. What CCP did was that they bugged the directional scanner; it is no longer possible to directional scan an asteroid belt.

When attempting to do a 5 degree scan (or any scan really) targeting an asteroid belt:

  • your camera will point the wrong way (along the alignment of your ship instead of at the asteroid belt)
  • your dscan results will empty instead of populate

Well, what does this mean for miners?

People cannot find which belt you are mining at with dscan!

For the upcoming days/weeks/months/years (depending on how fast CCP fixes this) you have a lot more time to spot incoming hostile players who cannot find which belt you are mining on without warping to each individual asteroid belt, or without resorting to tricks like ‘scan in the vicinity of the asteroid belt but not the belt itself’. Defensive dscanning is functioning and will warn you as usual.

I wonder how long CCP will take to fix this.

Until then, mine some belts!


Haha. Unintended mining buff - I like it.

Inb4 all belt miners get banned for bug abuse. :upside_down_face:


ah right I noticed this and forgot to report

so what I did was to manualÄşy move my camera to belts and caught them anyway

Yea, that’s a workaround for the bug.

Still annoying though.

because moon miners feel left out, lol.

Fun fact: “look at” an asteroid belt (from the rclick-in-space menu) doesn’t work either.
@Gerard_Amatin are you sure this wasn’t the case yesterday ? (never seen a patch on Friday)

In the mean time, bots… rejoice :partying_face:

it did happen yesterday already maybe even 2 days ago (2 DTs before)

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On the side, dscanning directly on the F9 map seems to work (but that’s slow work).

Warp belt-to-belt. Not that hard to do.

Not hard, but a fair bit slower and more visible than simply scanning the belts.

That is what EVE is avoiding and workarounding all the bugs the game suffers.


Seems like the usual PvP in EvE, Everyone vs Everyone includes CCP as well you know.


CCP has entered the arena / belt.

:popcorn: :psyccp: :popcorn:


Thats the long asked for Ganking Nerf! All hail the CCP Overlords! :rofl:


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