Safest Way To Transport BPO

Gate campers often use these to can lock you faster, fast enough so you can’t escape them.

One option for a sub 2 sec align but well tanked ship is the Sunesis:

Though for this task you should active tank it in case you expect to run into a smartbomb gatecamp (low and nullsec) and best to have a scout check right before you would jump to see what’s on the other side and at the exit gate as well.

And returning to the subject of sensor boosters also keep in mind anything (like shield extenders for example) that increase your signature radius will make you easier (and quicker) to lock and with enough sensor boosters applied they might even lock you if you fit for sub 2 sec align if I understand the mechanics correctly. So active tanking or adding more shield strength will help you against smartbombs but will make you more vulnerable against sensor boosted target lockers.

If you attempt this on your own but even if you contract someone to do it for you be sure to link is the lossmail if that is how it ends, sounds like a juicy fun killboard material to witness. :wink: :smirk: :smiling_imp:

Edit: Btw this is where I’ve tested the active tanked Sunesis variant on my alt…

The Slasher didn’t make it obviously but the Sunesis fit for sub 2 sec align plus kitted with shield extenders plus two multispectrum shield hardeners did the job flawlessly.

I think I was able to tank at least four of them and did the passage like six times back and forth. With the active tank and omniresists of the Sunesis they barely did damage.

However keep in mind the additional signature radius of the shield modules might make you much easier to catch with sensor boosted camps and also you need your shield hardeners active when you get hit by the smartbombs otherwise your resists will be much lower. Having lag spikes and mishaps can prove lethal pretty quick.