Safety Hazard [-OSHA] Shenanigans

-Moderately successful-


All applicants must be able to shuck clams

In PVP, We fight with the berserk fury of a trapped water buffalo.

What we do
-Small Gang-
-Little Ship Support-
-Big Ship Support-
-Stealy Shooty Pirate Stuff-

What you need:
-A pulse
-A thirst for pvp
-The mental fortitude to survive the most autistic comms you’ve ever been in.
-A commitment to bringing way more logi than the other guys
-[03:40:00] Brakkham Vezomo > The ability to withstand unhealthy amounts of polka

If this tickles your willy please send furry porn to Dawn Thorn and give us a ping on discord or message ZiFlynn Ultas in game.


Complete bunch of mentally deranged freaks. No better place to be :D!


  • Director ejecting entire hanger contents into WH space!
  • Safety Citations given to unruly Nullseccers!
  • Overly large amount of Logi on every fleet!
  • Polka music 24/7 365 days a year on Discord!
  • Ever-changing tax rate from :D!
  • Perpetually poor leadership skimming profits off the hard working peasants so far below them!

And all your favorite hits here at Safety Hazard! Never forget your slips, trips and falls again!


Was promised big burly wormhole men, corp did not disappoint. 10/10 would join again.


Can confirm all 5 italians that play video games are playing THIS game in THIS corp.


JOIN UP ■■■■■■■!!!

Looking for the exit

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Still here

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Best 10b I didn’t have.

Beatings will continue until moral improves!

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Once upon a time.

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*Loud Noises

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Still here still queer

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We need more safety inspectors, these nullbears won’t cite themselves!

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yoyoyoyo yo yoyo How’s it going today

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Looking into the abyss

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Still recruiting big strong men ;D.

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Still recruiting

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help me

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Recruitment still open
