Currently no informations about a duration, sorry.

Looks good for me now. Thank you.

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I do not know, if allready startet Transfers where affected by this Updates ā€¦

No i am not i apologize i was just looking for information on the transfers being down, my transaction is halted at the moment as well do to transfers being upgraded. good luck to all of us!

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Glad its not just us affected then @Matt_Fiedler

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Hello! First of all, sorry for my delay. I had some real-world problems, my arrival home was delayed for a day. But I have arrived and am ready to complete this game character purchase.
Just to recap and double check:
1.) - Baā€™Gon Ruā€™Gok will purchase the character @OreBoy_II OreBoy II for the sum of (seven billion EVE Online ISK).
2.) as of Bazar rules, I will transfer the ISK to @OreBoy_II and the real-life owner of that character may then transfer that amount to whomever he choses, most probably one of his other own characters.
3.) after he transfers the amount to one of his own characters, he will file a transfer ticket to CCP asking the transfer of @OreBoy_II to an account which I will provide to him and also to his alt @Jenna_Marie via an in-game mail. Note that I will not provide that account here, as for game-privacy reasons.
4.) @Jenna_Marie , @OreBoy_II , Geo was right to point out so, the ISK is transferred to the character being bought and then after receiving it you may transfer it wherever you want, before filing the ticket. I canā€™t wire the money directly to @Jenna_Marie .

Just writing this to check everything is clear and fine before wiring the money, please verify and confirm, both the seller and @ISD_Traindriver .

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This is the correct way you can handle it. Be aware thet the Charactertransfer service atm is offline due some important updates.

When we got more informations, we will let you know this in the Following Thread:

Character transfers are temporarily suspended while upgrades to the service are being conducted

1 Like ISK (7 billion ISK) transferred to @OreBoy_II . Screenshot attached here.
@Jenna_Marie , @OreBoy_II , please file transferal ticket to the account I specified in the in-game mail.
Hereā€™s hoping all goes well.

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OK, Iā€™m glad the ISK reached you. Donā€™t worry about the transfer, they will probably fix it after tomorrowā€™s down-time. Keep me posted here if you get to initiate it. And donā€™t forget to transfer your ISK to one of your characters before initiating it.

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It seems that CCP has fixed the issue. Can you try to initiate the transfer, please?


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OK, thank you, I will await for the transfer to complete.

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Character received. Thank you for the exchange, good business!

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Glad to see it went through, thank you as well!

Trying to hide your tracks? Oh, no, you donā€™t! Iā€™ve already photographed all the evidence! :slight_smile:

Posts in the sales thread once the character has been successfully sold should not be edited. Any information disclosed about the characters may not be removed.

This seller was sus. I saved the original post and request an audit of the transaction.

Wasnā€™t trying to hide anything. I thought it was the proper thing to do after a completed transaction, not sure what the problem is. All the pertinent information is still in the thread, so what are you crying about?

Seems like a saga on the face of it, namely due to CCPs transfer system being down. Nothing suspect here.

7 bil isk for 2005 character that has been in an NPC corp since date of creation is a reasonable price.

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I was merely stating that threads for char bazaar do not get deleted