Grand Theft Hel.
Lol. Scams conducted in game were always legal and allowed from CCP pow. While I do not condone at all such dishonorable practice, it is the way Eve always worked. Just watch for 10 seconds the Jita local as basic example.
This has to be the most entertaining sale thread for quite some time
LOL FREE HEL. why cant i find dumb people like this?
WTB, NYX 100bil. I would like to test drive it first tho. Thx.
Bobbi: Open the pod bay door please Hal (Eva)…
Hal (Eva): I’m afraid i can’t do that Bobbi…
Bobbie: EVA!!!
Seems like you just learned a hard lesson.
Next time, use a trusted broker - LIKE ME - and I’ll sit in the ship to conduct the transaction. 5% fee up front.
Maybe if you send them 66bil they will sell you a Hel?
About 4 years ago, I found a Burst floating unattended somewhere in highsec, boarded it and took it. I still have it just as a keepsake. Am I going to get a ticket submitted about me now? Should I sell the Burst before ccp confiscates it?
I finally found my burst thief! CCP Stop him!
For any future readers there are multiple free third party services that secure transactions of this nature i.e. supercaps in space.
There is no scamming in EvE.
Just got a great deal on Hel on my alt, anyone wanna buy?
poor guy
I’m afraid that only the Character Bazaar - the forum section devoted to trading characters - has the additional safeguards and stipulation preventing scams. Why the additional safeguards only for character trades? Unlike in-game trades, there are no other mechanisms to ensure the security of character trades - so the EVE Forums act as that secure third party.
For all other trades, including ships and in-game items, the same “buyer beware” principle applies as it does in-game.
Congrats to the Russian scammer who just got a free super carrier!!
Did it come with enough fuel to get home? That would be a bonus if it did