SeAT 3.0 is here!

I would like to add something:

  • On Ubuntu 18.04, running docker-compose up -d fails because of apparmor is enabled by default and docker is installed via source or with apt install docker


  • add to confined configuration docker engine and docker-compose
  • uninstall docker if installed via source or with apt and install it with “snap install docker”

Warning: DO NOT uninstall apparmor if you have docker containers running. Uninstalling apparmor also deletes docker engine, all containers and all images (personal experience!), if docker is installed via “snap install docker”

Im having an issue where Members info hasnt updated for over a week.

is there any way to force an update.

IS there a forum for SeAT. I need to know how to install an SSl cert in the docker container running the NGINX web server. The documentation is not clear on the site.


We’re using slack for any technical assistance which is much more efficient :wink:
Related to SSL, the basic is to attach your cert to any proxy (nginx, apache, traefik or whatever you want to use) placed in front of your SeAT container.

Regarding slack, just claim an access :slight_smile:


Running the command php artisan esi:update:character with the proper user will do it.
But since it’s normally a scheduled job, you better should figure why your data are not updated.

The two main spots are Jobs status which can be retrieve from the Horizon board (clic on the truck on the top navigation bar) and logs (by default, located at /var/www/seat/storage/logs/)

Hello. I am working on setting up SEAT, but I do have a few questions:

a) I am trying to create a Recruitment role so that my recruitment team can view an applicant character info before they become a corp member, but I am not sure what exact permissions I need to give for that to work.

b) how can I restrict the tools/standings access?

c) how can I add custom text to the front/login page?

I think this is it for now.

Thank you

We generally don’t provide support through eveonline forum. Ask your questions on slack if you’d be so kind.

Latest SeAT core packages have been released including some new content, hotfix and ESI upgrade.

Package Version
seat/eveapi 3.0.11
seat/console 3.0.4
seat/service 3.0.6
seat/web 3.0.16

Howdy! Just chiming in to say that I’ve been loving SeAT! My use case is pretty small since I just use it to keep a tab on my own characters. I figured I’d add what I’ve done to get this running on AWS since I think one to two people have mentioned issues with getting it running.

I currently have SeAT running on a T3.Small instance (2 vCPU. 2 GB RAM). I have T3 Unlimited enabled, along with a 20 GB EBS volume. An Elastic IP is also attached since I have a custom domain name. I’m running the Docker-Compose set up as a root user in /opt/. I think this is pretty much following what the SeAT docs suggest. Underlying OS is 18.04 LTS but imo this should not be a factor, once Docker is installed.

TLS is taken care of with LetsEncrypt, again following the same instructions on the Docs. I do have the instance locked down to my own network, so I believe I might have to open it again for LetsEncrypt to renew. But that is to be tested. Backups are to be implemented, but I will most likely implement an EBS snapshot lifecycle every 24 hours and retain them for 72 hours.

Overall it has been pretty smooth sailing. I do notice a recurring spike in CPU utilisation around 12AM UTC, this goes to around 70% usage. Unsure what’s actually happening, perhaps a SeAT background task. Nevertheless, this is the nice thing with the T3 family of instances is that they are somewhat designed to handle these bursts. I’ve T3 Unlimited enabled as I mentioned to cover any deficit CPU credit usage. But I’ve yet to eat any serious amount of the default CPU credits.

DNS is then handled through CloudFlare. Noting that this is currently only using CloudFlare as a DNS proxy(grey cloud DNS record).

I could try expand the availability through RDS and the like, but for my use case of it being only me using it, I see no need. Ping me if someone happens to have a question :slight_smile: I’ll be watching the metrics for the next month or so till I buy a Reserved Instance.



How to change the path to the site? It was need

Hello all,

I am attempting to install seat via the online documentation and through the DOCKER porcess, I have got docker installed and have successfully AFAIK made it to the step where you would run the “php artisan seat:admin:login” with and without the | docker-compose exec seat-app | prefix. i get either one of these errors
Could not open input file: artisan no prefix
Error response from daemon: Container b52f28759d435cc59add93e75b9af8c1960f380ad41a8eea065256ea6bdc16a6 is restarting, wait until the container is running with a prefix

when i check the docker services i see SEAT-APP constantly restarting so i stop all docker service and restart at that point the SEAT-APP runs fine until i attempt to run the above commands.

TIA for any help/suggestions

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