OK, here’s a bit of quick information. To start, here is a link to a post I made in a thread for a player asking a similar question:
That speaks to a bit of the industry habit hole that you can go down.
But since you know what you generally want to build, here are some things you’re going to need in a WH.
- A station that you can access that has the ability to build things. These days that will be a citadel (you used to be able to use things called POSs, but those are deprecated). This must have a Standup Manufacturing service module to allow you to build.
- A station that you can access that has the ability to refine ore. Again, this is a citadel that has a Standup Reprocessing service module. This could certainly be the same station as you manufacturing plant.
If you don’t have friends in the hole who will give you access to that, you will have to buy or build your own and get that into the hole.
Then you need fuel. This will pretty much definitely require importing things from K-Space, either complete blocks or some of the components.
Once that’s there, you’ll need:
- Something to mine with (whatever you are comfortable flying and risking)
- Blueprints (originals or copies) to build what you want to build.
Now, this is only for T1. For T2 production, you will also need to do PI and moon mining. PI can be done solo, but moon mining for T2 production is a whole other thing involving refineries, reactions, and can almost be considered a whole other branch of industry .
Yes, you can do this solo in a WH, but it will be risky, expensive, labor intensive, and will almost definitely still require bringing in some things from K-Space.