Selling 2 Perfect Nullsec Miners/Orca booster

Selling 2 perfect nullsec ore miners and perfect orca booster pilot

Miners are selling for 8b isk/pilot
Orca booster selling for 8b Isk

Please eve mail Dwight Sshrute, i will not be checking eve mails on pilots being sold

Confirming i am for sale

Confirming i am for sale

Confirming i am for sale


18b for all

Offer accepted

Please send isk to main account Dwight Sshrute with eve mail of account info

Sry bid cancled

Still for sale

offer 16b for all 3 today

Offer accepted, please send isk and eve mail to Dwight Sshrute

Thanks for confirming. I will send isk in about 2 hours once home from work.

Thank you and take as much time as you need

isk and account details sent

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