Selling carrier pilot

k dont send it yet cause Maizie Fields ( made an offer of 23.5bill. If u can do even better I might decide to trade it to you.

i will wait as he did make a higher offer and i will be respectful

Edit: Let me know if your in game offer does not work out.

request denied isk sent back due to zuluwise offering 23.6bill

if it doesnt work out il ltake ur offer

Sorry mate, i didn’t see your post and it had been 3 hours

i hope there are no hard feelings

No problem, all’s fair in the character trade ;=)

maizie fields is at 23.7bill

finally zulu wins at 23.75 bill THis post is concluded. currently accepting no other offers. :slight_smile:

Thank you Brenin and Maizie for the conversation to conclude this amicably.

This was important to me to make sure this was not a bad transaction or misunderstanding.

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