Selling myself 33900000 sp Allrounder with good science, indu and scanning skills

situated in Jita
Sec Status: -1
QSNA Link (as Skilq doesnt let me):

Attention it still shows my old corp but I am in an NPC Corp

No more to say - open for sensible bids (min 20B, extract value is 18.5B)

Happy bidding!

I can bid 19 Bil.

Please consider the though process here: I can get 18.5B just extracting and still have the character. Why should I pay RL money just to just get 500M more? Also keep in mind that creating such a char takes time or more than three times the ISK in injectors…

The minimum pice is there for a reason and I believe its fair.



You raised some fair points.
I can go to 20 Bil. That’s unfortunately the maximum I can do though.
Isk and slot ready.

I googled the name and I like the meaning of it. Wouldn’t be my first choice though.
I would not be extracting skills only adding. Plus it would be used daily. Perhaps this helps in your decision.
Thanks for your consideration.


would like to see him fly and not be leeched out of all knowledge. I suggest we wait a few days and if no one offers more, we can finalize the deal - fine with you?




This looks like a character I need for my mining crew. I’ll offer a 22.1B b/o. Sound good? Thank you.

22B B/O

Anyone want to top that? 22.1B ATM by someguy2u

by the way , as PPL ask for buyout: 25B would be a direct sell for me…
Otherwise I will end this with the best bet tomorrow evening (CET) whenever I log on :wink:

Soho - deal closes in 2,5h at 20:00 CET, char has over 33.4M sp now and will get a free 125k sp tomorrow. Yur chance for a last bid, otherwise I will sell this char to @someguy2u


seemes like @someguy2u won. @someguy2u please send the ISK and a mail with account info to the char in the game. As soon as the ISK has arrived I will transfer the char.

Thank you…

Awesome. The ISK and account sent. Thank you.

Dont know if I can post here still, char has been transeferred…

It’s not here yet but then it usually takes 10 hours to come across. I’ll let you know when it does. Thanks again.

I got him. Pleasure doing business. Fly safe o7.