Selling this 5.5m sp char with 3 full set high grade implant set jump clones worth 12b at least

8b buyout send offeres here please.

has 3 full high grade implant set jump clones worth 3b each!

has 12b in ships lying around!

Super value!

Can you provide an API linked asset breakdown?

when u click the link, click jump clones tab and you can see all my augmentations. :slight_smile:

FYI you cannot include the assets in a character sale as part of the value you can leave them as free gifts but that is it.

  1. Items cannot be listed among the character’s valuable assets, only skills, implants, SKINs, and reputation. You are buying/selling the character ONLY and nothing else. Ships and items can be readily bought or sold on the market for ISK.

it is in the rules by the way.

This is clearly a scam, 12b in ships 9b in implants 5.5m sp but only wants 8b for all of it.

Plus you can’t advertise ships, so clearly your trying to get someone to buy it quickly before the ISD’s smack you down for scamming.

i will report you for defamation and clamining i am trying to scam. i have bought and sold plexes amounting to 300B in the last one month. Any eve gm/staff can attest to this. i sucked 100m+ skillpoints from this char and am too rich and lazy to take out the implants. and ships as they are scattered all over the eve universe. i am merely trying to get some money instead of outright deleting the character as i want the character slot for another new character. And you say im trying to scam? Perhaps if everyone was as poor or useless as you then yeah. I assure i am neither. I have reported you for your baseless accusations. Why don’t you take a look at my character wallet before talking. 300b of plexes bought from ccp and sold in this month alone. please dont waste my time if you cant afford it, go cry somehere else. :slight_smile: DAILY BUMP!

Just a heads up that not all of the details required were disclosed, as per the character bazaar rules, all the following need to be listed:

1. Wallet balance.
You must disclose whether the character being sold has a negative balance in its wallet and the amount. As the ISK received for the character sale is transferred directly to the character for sale, that character gets in virtually all cases a positive ISK balance. It’s up to the seller to remove only so much ISK as that the character is still in the plus prior to transfer.

2. Kill rights
You must disclose if there are kill rights on the character for sale. Kill rights you possess on other characters are to be treated as assets and not included in the character listing.

3. Jump clones
The seller must disclose whether jump clones are located in 0.0, lowsec or highsec space and may for example not claim the character for sale character is able to fly ship X or Y when that is clearly not the case.

4. Character location.
The location of the character must be disclosed and whether it is in high security, low security, null sec or wormhole space. You must also state if the character is in space or in a station.

In addition to the above, Galactic Safe Space is correct, you cannot include assests in your post as per the rules as well.

Items cannot be listed among the character’s valuable assets, only skills, implants, SKINs, and reputation. You are buying/selling the character ONLY and nothing else. Ships and items can be readily bought or sold on the market for ISK.

I’ll be going ahead and closing this thread, but please feel free to recreate your thread and make sure to include all the proper information and make sure that all the rules of the Character Bazaar are fulfilled.

Thank you! :slight_smile: