just been in AMARR, selling the rest of my stuff there… 198ppl in LOCAL hahahhaha…bet 80% Alphalphas waiting for a bargain for saving 50k ISK
And if CCP changed the plex model to allow it to convert cash into minerals that can then be sold, those who used to buy the PLEX off the market, would mean as much as they do now when it comes to CCP making money. Bugger all.
Are you even undocking sometimes Macaroni?? LOL …dont bother, rhetorical question…
This is not an implant set that you said to be released (past)Summer! Should i post it in “known issues” as there was, apparently, some mixup?
Oh look another entitled null sec character, who believes they are better than other because they can press F1.
somehow, being stuck on an asteroid for even 3 minutes is ridiculous. why such an arbitrary time value? if a new (or not new) player is stuck on a rock 30 secs is more than enough frustration,
you just dont get it Maroni dude…in opposition to yourself we do not think we are better than anybody, we just wanted to play in peace in our SPARE TIME, belive it or not, many of us are not 24/7 players, but to be honest, if i know where you are living, i come and burn you with fire every single day you are undocking
Was made
Fixed that for you buddy.
The problem is for over a decade Null did not “just want to play in peace” and so it got so unbalanced it destroyed the rest of the game.
Now they have to fix the risk to equal that greed.
thx buddy hahahha …
btw @Maroni dude, i never use F keys, my fingers are just too short and i am too lazy
and so you chose Null sec for that… Feel the distortion yet?
what a Salt-Miner … give me your address, i sent you a pack of Tempos
And here was me thinking you didn’t know what number were
Well to explain:
i’m a high sec player myself with all my chars atm
planing to go to null with my two main chars but that’s not possible atm: cannot afford loosing pods/chars with those expensive +5 training implants and i will still need about 1.5 - 2 years until i have savely trained everything i deem neccessary before switching to a zero implant clone for null null
i have no idea how this CM voting works , also cannot vote someone i do not know who is is, which agenta he/she follows, which hidden agenta he/she may truly be on
i like the small time excursions into low or null, was several month part of a corp in null in Insmother until Skill-U dissolved … had some good times and fun, also some bad times, learned a lot about who not to tread null and how to see how null works
e) planing to go to null again when my main chars are (imo) trained enough but not at the moment:
- cannot afford hundreds of millions for new implants
- high is save even with trigs for my SP training
- waiting until this blackout nonsense is removed from null again - it’s no fun not having any information how is in system -> here corps should be able to install some POS that gives a system wide local intel to ppl belonging to that corp
first and formost i am playing the game for myself, have not required a corp since i started EVE nor do i require one in the future; I don’t need to socialize, not looking here for friends or such, no interesst in going to some events or such, i’m just a gamer who wants to relax after a hard days work at my company
EVE is EVE … does not matter if high or low or null. Its a sandbox where EVERYONE can freely choose where to be.
If one does not dare null, being only small time gamer who cannot afford being shot down , then just leave him be in high , no need to call him carebear.
If one is only for null, having fun in PvP (as long not calling an MTU kill “PvP”) then have him being in null.
Also please remember: this is first and foremost a spaceship game. Not a PvP competition. Many people are here for playing a spaceship game. Undocking, doing some ratting, mining, enjoying the close up of their ships, blazing gunfire, missiles launching, energy beams and are scrolling close to actually see this. Not scrolling out until only some blips remain on the screen.
Do you have any idea how much fun it is for me to use the view on a drone i launch during ratting, seeing it circling around some NPC, seeing it hitting the shields of some rats , at close point?
And NOT scrolling out for seeing the whole grid, being alert all the time that just some random PvP guy may jump in and destroying the happy moment i have?
For this, my happyness in EVE, i LOVE highsec.
Thanks for reading.
Collision is not a targeted effect, game code may not know if the delay in reaching warp is caused by another player’s ship intentionally, accidently, or a rock that is in the way.
A number had to be picked, this change reduces the previously unlimited amount of time that warp could be delayed.
The color of agents missions button is terrible. Completely out of the subject and very annoying. It would be ideal if the color of this button changed to the color of the theme chosen by the player. Now this button is very annoying, and spoils the whole game background.
@CCP_Lebowski Do you get hazard pay for coming into a patch thread like this on release day?
I have my concerns with the current set of changes (commented earlier in the thread), but above all it feels good to see CCP-ers in here commenting. Feeling heard as a player takes away so much of the frustration when there are changes happening outside of your control.
I don’t understand. On 2 accounts you can have 6 chars. Besides your 2 main chars you already have cyno chars. Just train them cruiser V and recon I and you’re done.
Buy the multi-pilot training either ingame or wait until some offer comes up. Just in July (if i recall correctly) 3 month of multi-pilot-training could be bought together with 3 month of sub for just 1 €.
Thats about 4.5 million to 5.7 million SP (depending on attribut setting, training implants, skill queue) for only 1 €.
I for myself would never dismiss such offer, even buying it for using the alt char as SP farm.
Auto-target rage now is 200km maximum.
Been playing Eve since 2006 with 2 breaks in that time. Just came back after a 2 year break and what a difference!
Never have I seen the community in such a terrible state, Eve is being handled like a frat boy drunk of a cruise liner!
What gof me hooked on Eve was it was designed for players, now it seems that the player base is being ignored.
Does anyone remember the days of Goons versus BOB and the wars that would rage accross systems in a week? Does anyone remember the how easy a system could be taken or lost? We had wars! We had player corps that were too numerous to count, and do you know what all this did, it made people want to join in!
Now its not Goons to fear, its a damn PVE toon called Triglavians. Congrats CCP you have taken away aspect of this game and replaced with something that most do not want!
So the question is CCP are you listening to us? Because if you are not, do you have your resumes up to date? A lot of players are talking about retiring Omega accounts and drop buying Plex, if you cannot bring in revenue how long before you fold the game or get fired?
I have never found a game like Eve and probably never will, listen to the masses not the few!