September Release - General Feedback

The risk and difficulty is being corrected to match the reward.

Not if you fund another account to have a recon around. CCP ‘balance’ the game only for those who won’t fund N+1 account.

Or you know, have corp mates or an organized alliance.


Still need more accounts one way or the other even if you parasite off other people.

And certainly can’t carrier rat solo.

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You intentionally ignored the problem of new players being bumped off asteroids which is a constant issue? Why did you do a half baked fix?

Of the 1000s of bumping posts in the locked bumping thread no one EVER complained about being stuck on asteroids.

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This is to fix the issue of players being bumped for 30 mins with no consequence. To fix your described situation would require turning off collision all together which gankers would lose their mind over.

I’m not sure I’d call fixing an issue when warping “intentionally ignoring” a separate issue that has nothing to do with warping in the slightest.

Regardless, thanks for the feedback, I’ll pass this on to the team as I agree that it certainly falls under our drive to improve the lives of new players.

I don’t think Game Design likes to give away too many advantages to forum readers alone, but it Would Be Nice for min-maxers to be reassured ahead of reimbursement day, that it won’t be “worth more” to build faction POS module BPC’s, versus simply holding onto BPC’s. Suggestion: reveal a plan like, “base compensation will be for the BPC, a built module will be BPC + average materials costs.”

Another idea: useless collectibles like the Anaconda Mines still exist. They are both collectibles and old-timers get to tell “I remember when” stories about them. Obsolete structure bpc’s and modules could become another collectible like that; as long as players have an option for BPC compensation.

If this sounds interesting to Game Design, could a script be made to process BPC contract sales to an NPC, like the Upwell partners, or CONCORD? Each BPC could be assigned a value that the “estimate” feature in the contracts UI can use. Players would have to click that button to request the correct compensation. Contracts containing invalid items or an incorrect price request would be rejected.

Also, (this extra-credit stuff is essential!) regardless of how Game Design decide to compensate obsolete items, send every player a picture of their items getting a proper Viking burial at sea :wink:

The purpose of bumping a mining ship is different from bumping a freighter.

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CSM hasn’t changed the game in any way, for better or worse. All the ideas and proposals from CSM are regularly ignored by CCP as most people at CCP are too stubborn to take any suggestions from CSM members when they are pushing game changes. And a slave contributes to his owner, yet his owner is not gonna ask a slave an advice on fitting his mansion. I have nothing against high-sec players as long as they understand that their position is at the bottom of EVE’s food chain.

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All those new players in capital ships really need help indeed. Or you guys utterly deranged at CCP?

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TIL that a mining barge is a capital ship!


Thanks captain obvious.

The purpose of bumping them while they are trying to enter warp is the same. Either to be a d*** or gank them. This fix addresses that issue. The only proper fix to prevent bumping new player miners is to remove collision, which they won’t do.

And that is what is wrong with null. It has turned into a candy land, where every other part of EvE is more dangerous.

Null is little more than a joke, unfortunately it is a joke so far out of whack it is destroying the rest of the game but the whiners still think they are the pinicale of the game. Your not.

Also most hi-sec players pay using cash, a lot of null sec buy plex. CCP cannot pay staff in PLEX.

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I think that this update is going to lead to a greater stagnation of content in null. People seem to be thinking that because cynos are now harder to get on field in the case of a capital being tackled, that will lead to more kills. However, in reality it will probably just lead to fewer people using capitals in the first place. The imperium has already placed a 1 week ban on all capital ratting. Furthermore, in the case of a large capital engagement, such as the fight that took place in O1Y a couple of weeks ago, the cyno change will make it harder to get caps on field. A cyno recon or blops will easily be 1 shot by whoever get their caps on field first, meaning that large capital escalations will not happen. CCP, you should have looked for other ways to limit cyno usage, other than just simply removing the ability to fit a cyno. Spool up timers has been talked about a lot and I think is a good idea. A 1 minute timer means that a cyno inhib can be placed down on a ratting/mining cap and prevent them from getting help, while also maintaining the ability for large capital escalation in the case of a large battle (such as O1Y).

For the JF cyno changes, I just think that the restriction of industrial cynos to industrial ships only places an unneeded burden on JF pilots. The restriction doesn’t do anything but make them move a bunch of ships around. The industrial cyno could have easily been allowed on every ship without negative effects. Again though, I must maintain that these cyno changes in general are a poor decision. Spool up timers would have been a much better change.


Hi there,
i don’t see the BARGHEST class mentioned anywhere in the patch notes. Or did i oversea something?
Please explain.

He’s referring to the auto-target missile changes that nerfed his Barghest.


Ignore him. He’ll grab at any straws without even acknowledging the obvious flaws in his point (ex: ‘but the botting numbers!’ when the # of accounts banned doesn’t take into account either a)the bots simply make new accounts and inject them up the next day to keep going, or b)the same bot doing that 10 times counts as 10 banned accounts, so there’s no way to draw meaningful conclusions from just a flat # of accounts banned for botting), and when confronted with with those flaws consistently, finally breaks down to…


It is called a bumping fix in the notes, when people think of bumping they think of freighters, a veteran player issue, and miners, a new player issue.


At some point, nullsec was certainly less dangerous than it should be, but this wasn’t the case long before blackout as the number of roaming and gatecamping gangs has been in increase in Delve for a long time. And do you understand that every PLEX placed on market had to be purchased online with real money? It does not matter to CCP whether you extend your omega status by directly giving money to them or by plexing your account. But that last sentence of yours shows how clueless high-seccers are, yet they think someone will take their opinions and suggestions seriously.

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I hope that CCP will soon realize this mistake and give us a deployable cyno that can be easily destroyed and will have one minute onlining timer.

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