[SERVICE] lost-in-w.space Public & Private Pathfinder Hosting [discontinued as of 2024-10-31]

This topic was automatically closed 90 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.

re-opened at the polite request of OP.

thank you vm

Update 2022-12-16

Changes regarding our services

  • none

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is online and stable. Users and concurrent user sessions are stable

Stats since last post (2022-09-08)

Availability: 99,96%
Peak concurrent user sessions 189
Average concurrent user sessions 112

Total users 7593
Total characters 9884
Total maps 1421

Update 2023-01-17

Happy New Year everybody :partying_face:

Changes regarding our services

  • none

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is online and stable. Users and concurrent user sessions are stable

Stats since last post (2022-12-16)

Availability: 99,93%
Peak concurrent user sessions 171
Average concurrent user sessions 90

Total users 7924
Total characters 10337
Total maps 1468

Have you guys experienced some database corruption or a wipe? We lost all our private and corp maps.

Hello @Solus_Blacksun ,

i guess you are talking about the public instance at https://pathfinder.lost-in-w.space ? We are not aware of any data corruption nor did we receive any reports from users. Is it possible that you did not use the maps within 30 days ? The public instance has a default lifetime of 30 days for all types of maps which is also stated below the login page. After 30 days of inactivity the maps are automatically removed from the system.

If you are sure that you used the maps within 30 days, private message me the character name you use to access the maps and if possible map names and i will try to take a look at the logs to determine what has happened

Fly safe

Once my corp has a high enough monthly income I will be relying on your services! Looks like a great deal.

Update 2023-03-16

Changes regarding our services

  • none

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is online and stable. Users and concurrent user sessions are increasing again

Stats since last post (2023-01-17)

Availability: 99,96%
Peak concurrent user sessions 195
Average concurrent user sessions 107

Total users 8946
Total characters 11717
Total maps 1821

PSA: the Pathfinder instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space was having login and session related issues from 2023-04-05 16:22:52 UTC to 2023-04-05 17:44:52 UTC. The displayed error message stated:

MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but it is currently not able to persist on disk. Commands that may modify the data set 
are disabled, because this instance is configured to report errors during writes if RDB snapshotting fails (stop-writes-on-bgsave-error option). Please check the Redis logs for 
details about the RDB error. in /var/www/html/pathfinder/vendor/bcosca/fatfree-core/base.php:2220"


The issue was resolved by 2023-04-05 17:51:00 UTC. No data was lost. Sorry for the inconvience. :grimacing:

Technical details: root cause of the error was the key-value database software “Redis” which is used by Pathfinder to store login and session related values. Redis was unable to write data to disk although the used file system partition still had space left. OS monitoring earlier today indicated a steady increase in file system usage by the Redis database but this usually correlates to peak Pathfinder usage during EU prime time. As a temporary workaround we increased the available space on the file system partition. Further investigation related to the behavior of containerized Redis instances under disk space pressure is planned. In order to detect possible future issues we adjusted the monitoring.

can you help me with a private PF? my group needs one but we arent all under the same corp or alliance, and we arent very familiar with this kind of stuff

sure, hit me up on slack. Link is at the end of the first post

Update 2023-04-22

Changes regarding our services

  • none

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is online and stable. Users and concurrent user sessions are increasing again

Stats since last post (2023-03-16)

Availability: 99,92%
Peak concurrent user sessions 204
Average concurrent user sessions 118

Total users 9479
Total characters 12427
Total maps 1738

Why does it keeping giving me error code 403 i never close or minimize it annoying should not do this ridiculous? so all wh i went into never showed when clicked on it damn error code 403 if not work whats point

It don’t work mean never close it or minimize but when go back too it via open window in taskbar it closed error code 403 so all wormholes just found connected not there because this bs

I would like get some support been asking over month why keep getting error 403 when not closed it go back to it and error logged out half time not even register wh jumped either

what help been asking month not one reply

Hi. I created a map on your service and for some reason I cannot delete it. It says 401 unauthorized.

It is not the only map that I have

Sorry for the late reply. In case you need support please use the preferred way of communication listed at [SERVICE] lost-in-w.space Public & Private Pathfinder Hosting

Regarding the reported issues: i cleared the redis cache, this should help