[SERVICE] lost-in-w.space Public & Private Pathfinder Hosting [discontinued as of 2024-10-31]

Update 2023-08-02

Changes regarding our services

  • none

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is online and stable. Users and concurrent user sessions are stable

Stats since last post (2023-04-22)

Availability: 99,94%
Peak concurrent user sessions 194
Average concurrent user sessions 117

Total users 10655
Total characters 14025
Total maps 1797


no stats this time because :palm_tree:

Noone reply me

Seems the main page is down currently


Same all services are returning 403 forbidden.

1 Like

all seems to be leading to 403 forbidden


Service down. 403 Forbidden for me as well.

1 Like

Hi Steve, not sure where you tried to contact me, but i am not aware of any open requests. If you wish to contact me please use Slack as its the preferred way to stay in touch out of game. Instructions on how to join the Pathfinder Slack are at the bottom of the first post in this thread :slight_smile:

Update 2023-10-09

Changes regarding our services

  • none

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space was unavailable from 2023-10-01 eve downtime to 2023-10-02 eve downtime. The first issues in the form of 403 response codes appeared on 2023-09-30. The exact technical cause of the issue is still being investigated, currently it looks like a regularly scheduled process did not exit correctly and slowly hogged all available resources on the underlying operation system. We adjusted several configuration to prevent situations like these. Sorry for any inconveniences caused. :woozy_face:

Stats since last post (2023-08-02)

Availability: 98.52%
Peak concurrent user sessions 209
Average concurrent user sessions 121

Total users 12057
Total characters 15963
Total maps 2238

I just updated the public Pathfinder instance. Thera connection list and route calculation to/from Thera should work again. Sorry for any inconveniences caused.

Update 2023-11-28

Changes regarding our services

  • none

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is online and stable. Users and concurrent user sessions are increasing

Stats since last post (2023-10-09)

Availability: 99.91%
Peak concurrent user sessions 280
Average concurrent user sessions 160

Total users 13301
Total characters 17728
Total maps 2351

Update 2024-01-13

Changes regarding our services

  • none

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is online and stable. Users and concurrent user sessions are increasing. We are investigating reports of slow performance.

Stats since last post (2023-11-28)

Availability: 99.91%
Peak concurrent user sessions 285
Average concurrent user sessions 167

Total users 14189
Total characters 19006
Total maps 2355

I just updated the public Pathfinder instance to v2.2.3 which includes a fix for visting the system Zarzakh. Sorry for any inconveniences caused.

Update 2024-03-11

Changes regarding our services

  • none

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is online and stable. Users and concurrent user sessions are stable.

Stats since last post (2024-01-13)

Availability: 99.92%
Peak concurrent user sessions 276
Average concurrent user sessions 170

Total users 15159
Total characters 20469
Total maps 2525

FTR: public instance update to Pathfinder v2.2.4 is postponed for now as Thera Routing is broken Thera routing works only after direct connection is added to map · Issue #221 · goryn-clade/pathfinder · GitHub

A fix is in development with no ETA


Do you offer bigger discounts for multi-year sign ups by any chance? Also would there be a way to link a custom domain to the pathfinder instance?

:warning: New private hosted instances are not available until further notice. :warning:

Update 2024-07-06

Changes regarding our services

  • :warning: New private hosted instances are not available until further notice. :warning:

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is online and stable. Users and concurrent user sessions are stable.

Stats since last post (2024-03-11)

Availability: 99.92%
Peak concurrent user sessions 281
Average concurrent user sessions 178

Total users 17223
Total characters 23529
Total maps 2660

Update 2024-09-28

Changes regarding our services

  • :warning: private hosted instances service has been discontinued :warning:

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is online and stable. Users and concurrent user sessions are stable.

Stats since last post (2024-07-06)

Availability: 99.95%
Peak concurrent user sessions 250
Average concurrent user sessions 148

Total users 18343
Total characters 25103
Total maps 2789

Dear fellow capsuleers and wormhole dwellers,

we have decided to shut down “lost-in-w.space Pathfinder Services [LIWSP]” for good. As of 2024-10-31, all private and public Pathfinder instances run by us will be discontinued and as such be unavailable for use.

For any Pathfinder needs please use the service provide by @EvePlanetsApp over at [SERVICE] Custom public & private Pathfinder instances - by EvePlanets.App

He also runs a public Pathfinder instance located at
:point_right: :point_right: :point_right: https://pathfinder.eveplanets.app :point_left: :point_left: :point_left:

We want to thank every customer and capsuleer who choose “lost-in-w.space Pathfinder Services [LIWSP]” for their Pathfinder related needs. It has been a fun ride the last 3 years, we met a lot of great people and learned a lot from a technical and organisational point of view. Beside some technical hiccups here and there, we think we did a good job in providing stable and fast wormhole mapping for any capsuleer to navigate, map, and explore wormhole space. Sadly as real life moves on at a continues and steady pace, so do priorities change in ones life. As such, we can no longer dedicate enough time for EVE Online including the project “lost-in-w.space Pathfinder Services”.

You never really quit EVE , you just take long breaks … :thinking:

fly safe, stay safe in real life and maybe see you in the future at a wormhole in your chain o7