[SERVICE] lost-in-w.space Public & Private Pathfinder Hosting [discontinued as of 2024-10-31]

If you were redirected to this post, you tried to access our public Pathfinder instance.
After three years of service this Pathfinder instance hast been shut down. Please use https://public.eve-pathfinder.online run by @Poolie instead.
Further information why we shut down is available in the post above.
Thank you and fly safe o7

Sadly Poolie is MIA and his instance is offline

If you were redirected to this post, you tried to access our public Pathfinder instance.
After three years of service this Pathfinder instance hast been shut down. Please use https://pathfinder.eveplanets.app/ run by @EvePlanetsApp instead.
Further information why we shut down is available in the post above.
Thank you and fly safe o7