[SERVICE] lost-in-w.space Public & Private Pathfinder Hosting [discontinued as of 2024-10-31]

lost-in-w.space provides services related to New Eden’s leading wormhole mapping software, Pathfinder.

Our services include:

  • Public Pathfinder instance
  • Private hosted Pathfinder instances
  • Consulting regarding Pathfinder Hosting

:warning: Please note this service nor the public instance are in any way affiliated with exodus4d and his now defunct public instance https://www.pathfinder-w.space/ :warning:

Public Pathfinder instance

:no_entry: pathfinder.lost-in-w.space will shutdown on 2024-10-31 :no_entry:

Please use :point_right: :point_right: :point_right: https://public.eve-pathfinder.online :point_left: :point_left: :point_left: run by @Michael_Agar aka “Poolie” who also provides private Pathfinder instances over at https://forums.eveonline.com/t/service-eve-seat-alliance-auth-pathfinder-tripwire-server-hosting-for-isk-corporation-alliance-management

hidden old text

lost-in-w.space provides a public Pathfinder instance for everyone free of charge on https://pathfinder.lost-in-w.space.

It is based on the latest stable release from https://github.com/goryn-clade/pathfinder/ and all features beside email notifications are enabled. Please note this instance is “work in progress” and sizing, performance and availability is best effort. Please consider a private instance if reliability and stability is important for you.

For issues with this public instance please create an issue on https://github.com/fleischsalatinspace/pathfinder.lost-in-w.space/issues

Private hosted Pathfinder

:no_entry: our private hosted instances service has been discontinued :no_entry:

hidden old text

lost-in-w.space offers private hosted Pathfinder instances in exchange for a monthly fee in ISK.

The fee includes:

  • HTTPS access to your private Pathfinder instance hosted on a server within a datacenter in Germany
  • Your own subdomain within lost-in-w.space. Bring you own domain available too
  • Timely updates to latest stable Pathfinder release available on https://github.com/goryn-clade/pathfinder/
  • Automated daily backup of your instance. Manual backup restore available on request
  • Monitoring of your instance. We notify you if your instance needs adjustments
  • Service related support in EU TZ via Slack
  • MySQL-dump backup file of your instance free of charge. We strongly believe every capsuleer should be able to choose where they store their data and if you are not satisfied with our service or wish to migrate to your own hardware, we are happy to help you succeed in that

:warning: All services are on a best-effort basis. We do this in our free time after all :warning:

All payments are paid in advance in ISK, currently monthly, quarterly and yearly payments available. Discounts are available below

product monthly cost billing cycle discount
Pathfinder 250m monthly none
Pathfinder 225m quarterly 10%
Pathfinder 200m annual 20%

If you have expect more than 100 peak concurrent users, please contact us for a custom quote.

:sunny: :sunny: :sunny: First week free of charge :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

Order your private Pathfinder and your first week is free of charge. Test your private instance for one week and if you are not happy, you don’t pay :sunglasses:


We offer consulting regarding hosting Pathfinder with https://github.com/goryn-clade/pathfinder-containers. If we cant help you, you dont pay us :man_shrugging: .

About us

lost-in-w.space was born out of the need to provide stable and performant wormhole navigation and mapping using Pathfinder. With the absence of the original Pathfinder developer exodus4d, further development of the software by members of Goryn-Clade, and changes to the ESI and SSO API by CCP making it difficult for non-technical capsuleers to run and update old versions of Pathfinder, we feel that by offering public and private hosted pathfinder instances, we can enable any capsuleer to navigate, map, and explore wormhole space.

Currently lost-in-w.space is run by fellow capsuleer fleischsalatinspace. If you think you can help us improving or extending our service, please contact us.


  • Slack (Preferred): Join Pathfinder Slack and contact fleischsalatinspace
  • IGN: fleischsalatinspace
  • In-Game Corp: lost-in-w.space Pathfinder Services [LIWSP]


Update 2021-11-02

:sunny: :sunny: :sunny: Special offer Q4 2021 :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

Order your private Pathfinder and your first week is free of charge. Test your private instance for one week and if you are not happy, you don’t pay :sunglasses:

Changes regarding our services

We removed the peak users limit from our private Pathfinder hosting offer

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is now online since 1 week. There were no major issues and there is a steady increase in users and concurrent user sessions.


Availability 98.79%
Peak concurrent user sessions 56
Average concurrent user sessions 28
Total users 291
Total characters 356
Total maps 143
Total systems 1576

Update 2021-11-15

:sunny: :sunny: :sunny: Special offer Q4 2021 :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

Order your private Pathfinder and your first week is free of charge. Test your private instance for one week and if you are not happy, you don’t pay :sunglasses:

Changes regarding our services


Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is now online since three weeks. There were no major issues and there is a steady increase in users and concurrent user sessions.

Stats since last post (2021-11-02)

Availability: 99,99%
Peak concurrent user sessions 78
Average concurrent user sessions 47
Total users 580
Total characters 708
Total maps 299
Total systems 4224

Absolute legend.

Update 2021-12-09

:sunny: :sunny: :sunny: Special offer Q4 2021 :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

Order your private Pathfinder and your first week is free of charge. Test your private instance for one week and if you are not happy, you don’t pay :sunglasses:

Changes regarding our services

  • added yearly payments
  • added discounts for quarterly and yearly payments

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is online and there were no major downtimes. Users and concurrent user sessions are increasing.

  • We are investigating reports of slow route calculation.

Stats since last post (2021-11-15)

Availability: 99.81%
Peak concurrent user sessions 102
Average concurrent user sessions 57

Total users 1120
Total characters 1393
Total maps 547
Total systems 9744 (well that’s more than total eve systems number. I guess we omit that value in the feature :wink: )

can u set up pathfinder on my VPS?

Highly recommend this service. Very awesome experience. :smiley:

Sorry for the delay. I sent you an ingame mail. You can also contact me on Pathfinder slack

Update 2022-01-04

:rocket: :sunny: Happy new year to everyone :rocket: :sunny:

Changes regarding our services

  • First week of private hosted Pathfinder now by default free of charge :partying_face:

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is online and there were no major downtimes. Users and concurrent user sessions are increasing.

  • We are investigating reports of slow route calculation.

Stats since last post (2021-12-09)

Availability: 100% (:parrot: )
Peak concurrent user sessions 107
Average concurrent user sessions 62

Total users 1545
Total characters 1958
Total maps 556

Update 2022-01-25

Changes regarding our services

  • None

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is online and there were no major downtimes. Users and concurrent user sessions are increasing.

  • On 2022-01-13 around 18:00 UTC the public Pathfinder instance experienced high concurrent user sessions, forcing an partial overload situation on the database. This resulted in users getting a forced logout 405 error message. In order to fix and prevent this, we have modified database settings and CPU resources.

Stats since last post (2022-01-04)

Availability: 99,97%
Peak concurrent user sessions 130
Average concurrent user sessions 77
Total users 1946
Total characters 2485
Total maps 659

We just updated all Pathfinder instances to v2.2.0. Changelog https://github.com/goryn-clade/pathfinder/releases/tag/v2.2.0

Fixed pasting citadels from dscan #20
Fixed wormhole sizes and masses #78
Fixed unicode ship names #50
Various dependecy upgrades from dependabot

Just to add. My corp is using the public service and its working far better than the old one.
(less lag, no downtime problems, etc)

Update 2022-03-31

Changes regarding our services

  • None

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is online and there were no major downtimes. Users and concurrent user sessions are increasing.

Stats since last post (2022-01-25)

Availability: 99,96%
Peak concurrent user sessions 167
Average concurrent user sessions 89

Total users 3092
Total characters 3995
Total maps 893

PSA: my public Pathfinder instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is currently unavailable because of an ongoing incident on the cloud host node of the provider

Due to a current error, the cloud node (XXXXX) and the cloud servers on it are not accessible. 
Type: Outage State: in progress Start: 2022-04-10, 04:39 PM UTC

Update from provider:

We have fixed the error. All systems are reachable again.

Type: Outage
State: resolved
Start: 2022-04-10, 04:39 PM UTC
Estimated end: 2022-04-10, 05:26 PM UTC

pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is available again.
As we found indicators of corrupted database integrity, we did restore to the latest backup from 2022-04-10 00-30 UTC. Sorry if you lost any map data.

Update 2022-06-01

Changes regarding our services

  • By popular demand, we have introduced fixed discounts for quarterly and annual payments

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is online and since the incident on 2022-04-10 there were no major downtimes. Users and concurrent user sessions are stable.

Stats since last post (2022-03-31)

Availability: 99,85%
Peak concurrent user sessions 166
Average concurrent user sessions 94

Total users 4331
Total characters 5598
Total maps 1226

Update 2022-06-29

Changes regarding our services

  • none

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is online and stable. Users and concurrent user sessions are increasing.

Stats since last post (2022-06-01)

Availability: 99,97%
Peak concurrent user sessions 179
Average concurrent user sessions 100

Total users 4928
Total characters 6366
Total maps 1241

PSA: The public Pathfinder instance has been upgraded to v2.2.1.

  • Adding corps to structures from dscan-paste works again. (was broken because of CCP ESI API change)
  • Map history logging works again (right click on map-> map info → tab “Log” )

Due to changes in the CCP ESI API Pathfinder needs a new permission aka “Scope” esi-search.search_structures.v1
This results that on login to Pathfinder you have to confirm this new permission once

Update 2022-09-08

Changes regarding our services

  • Pathfinder upgraded to v2.2.1

Public Pathfinder instance news

The public instance pathfinder.lost-in-w.space is online and stable. Users and concurrent user sessions are stable, but seeing the total users and characters numbers jump big time, there seems to be an influx of new players. Welcome to wormhole space. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :partying_face: . May Bob bless you with his presence. :clap:

Stats since last post (2022-06-29)

Availability: 99,96%
Peak concurrent user sessions 189
Average concurrent user sessions 105

Total users 6188
Total characters 8018
Total maps 1419