Ship Bonuses are ignored

jafter jumping a gate i get the error that my Torpedo Launchers are offline as iam 3000 MW above the power requirements.

it appears the game ignores the ships bonus.

Simulation works just fine, but when boarding the ship i’m 5100 MW short on power

I had this exact same issue, with a t3c a few weeks ago, its like all the subsystems go offline, but if you log off and on they are ‘online’ again…

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Had this happen to me once or twice as well. Not entirely sure what causes it, but the above does resolve it.

It’s been quite a while since I had one of these. I recall I tried offlining all the modules and then onlining them one by one, but can’t recall if that worked or not. You could also try just removing all the modules that are affected by ship bonus (torps in this case) and then add them back on, see if that works. If not, the relog thing should do it.

Relog did not work, but what i did notice that the weapons are actually still online. the game just claims they are not, i have another mantorcore boarded this one … and offlined the weapons manually. this ones did stay offline due to the error, boarded the one with the weapons online, got the error but they still working …

after the reset the issue was gone.

I had this happen on an Avalanche. I had to remove all the weapons and modules and then refit.

I always tell folks to clear cache, not just to relog. In situation like this