Ship SKINR feature requests


I like to make a few feature requests. I’ve been making a lot of SKINs for a lot of ships lately, and I’m running into the limits of the SKINR system.

First one I run into is the maximum amount of listings I can have on the Paragon Hub.
I have a max of 24 listings now, and I can train skills until I have 30, but that’s it. Since I already have over 70 SKINs listed on the hub on multiple characters, and since that is quite an annoying amount of hassle (I produce them all myself mind you), I’d like to request and extra skill or two so I can train for a max number of listings of let’s say 200 to 400-ish?

Second one is the number of design save slots. I have 90 save slots, and I can train skills until I have 125, but that’s not really enough either. I’d like to request and extra skill so I can train for up to somewhere around 200 to 400 design save slots too.

Oh and also, three rows of designs instead of two in the “Saved Designs” list (like in the “My Listings” list) would look and work much better.

Lastly, I would be so happy if I could create contracts to sell SKIN Licenses directly to other players. Whenever I do contract work now, eg create a new design on commission of a client, I have to list the SKIN License on the Paragon Hub for the client to buy, which opens up the possibility of someone else buying it. Apart from that that is very annoying, it is not possible to guarantee exclusivity for the client if he/she requests so. A special sort of contract with the Paragon Hub vendor fee included in it would be a real gain to my way of playing, and I think to a lot of other SKIN designers who do work on commission.

Thank you.

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