Shut off the ISK faucets

He was more interested in insulting me than he was actually thinking it through. He does that a lot.

He already made the claim that explosive deflation of ISK would be the result as people moved away from it and into real goods. The Coincidence of Wants would not really apply though, as EVE is a closed and limited system. Moving to something like minerals would occur, since they would not be subject to the interest rate.

However, as the primary method of exchange is across the market his projected apocalypse would not occur. Everyone would still need ISK to use the market, or risk even greater dangers from scams as the trade interface isn’t reliable.

so what happens once CCP makes it happen? like, i know ya’rr mentionin’ it in the op but that ain’t really tellin’ me how it’s goin’ to change my game. not from my perspective at least.

A lot of ISKs disappears by players logging off, taking a break or to never return. Taxing ISKs for no other reason but to take tax and shove it back into the game makes players return even less and is not ever going to be accepted by the community. Trying to shove ideas onto players that aren’t going to be accepted always ends badly and ruins the game.

Wanting to screw around with the most basic mechanics of a game shows a complete lack of understanding of what it means to build up a game, its community and to keep it.

A wealth tax is also by far the stupidest idea I’ve ever read here. It instantly turns the game into an “uphill grind fest”. As if losing a ship wouldn’t already cost players enough do you want to take it straight out of their wallets. :facepalm:

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Yeah. Pretty much worst idea ever.


Except that as the ISK leaves wallets the payouts for any direct ISK activity goes up, making replacing a ship less of an uphill grind from newer players.

The value of real goods goes up, making professions like mining instantly more valuable.

People leaving the game for a break will know to convert any liquid ISK they have into goods, especially Plex making it easier for them to return.

No, not “except”. It’s a terrible idea wanting to tax players’ wallets. Period.

The whole idea is fail and even plays into the hands of botters as they can grind like no human can. RMT will see a new peak, too.

The value of goods also won’t go up or else you’d have an inflation. All that would happen is that ISKs would flow more rapidly and destabilize the markets.

If you had said to pay out interests into player wallets then you’d get others to listen to your idea. Not just because it gives players ISKs, but because it mimics interest rates.

The baseline here has to be to neither tax nor to pay interest, but to leave money politics out of it and simply pay players for an activity.

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Yes, which will accelerate inflation. Why do you want to cut ISK faucets which is deflationary and then implement a policy that inflationary? Why not just do nothing which does not waste Dev time?


It would also kill any large scale OPS. Have fun with large proplems with specific stuff on the markets when nobody seeds it there. Also gl to ever get somehow the ISK for a factiontitan for an instance. And the price of PLEX would skyrocket too…
Basicly: First total logistical collaps, then a ecological one, folowed by a militarily and final a infrastructural one.
The limit for sapping ISK should basicly be about 1t… So pretty useless.

And cranking skillbooks up with the prices…would be stupid as hell. New players would look rad.

Repairfees… Its for free at playerstructures. This would also just hurt new players.

The best ISK-sinks are still:

  1. War. There is a pretty large one rampaging right now. A real one. Not that Highsec-LOLshow.
  2. Large scale projects. Like building infrastructure somewhere. Or titans.
  3. Gametime…
  4. Skillinjectors…
    Well. Bounty and SKINs not realy. But there are still enough. War is probably the best one.

These arent sinks, the tax associated with their sale and purchase is. They’re more accurately labeled as “exchangers” imo, as isk goes from one player to another.

They don’t need to remove isk faucets just change how they work.
Rats shouldn’t inject isk directly into your wallet but instead drop tags that are exchanged for isk, like WH rats.

Interest used to be charged by banks for holding the money of depositors, as well as added as a fee for borrowers.

It’s a real world concept that has fallen by the wayside in the free market.

How’s nullsec war an isk sink and not a mineral sink?

They get confused over the concept that money to NPC’s is a sink, whereas money to another player is just circulation.

I do believe there is a bit of sink to large scale production though. I’ve never really gotten into that part of the game, beyond recycling modules and making ammo out of it though, so I really can’t say.

However, by far war sinks minerals more than it does ISK, to be sure.

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