Shuttle is the new go to scout. Is this reasonable?

Just use a shuttle for travel, interceptor for fight/travel :man_shrugging: if you want to travel fast get a leopard.


“Don’t nobody” is a double negative which means everyone understands me.

Indeed, I don’t understand what you’re rambling on about.

Could you please, without attacking me, try to make clear (1) what it is you think the roles of interceptors and shuttles are, (2) what you think is wrong with shuttles and interceptors and (3) what you think should happen to fix that issue?

Everyone can employ the tactic. Ergo, it is balanced. Sorry bro, it is reasonable.

Keep crying tho. Its entertaining :smiley:


Made from FREE ore you mined yourself, i bet…

–Gadget knows that everything has a price… even certain Gadgets

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I think CCP’s goal was to make people more willing to give nullsec a try. And they succeeded. I’ve been totally flying around areas of nullsec that were too much a pain to visit before.

However, a shuttle only allows you to look. It doesn’t allow you to touch anything.

Want to try doing mining missions for ORE? Or maybe Serpentis? Now you can certainly get out there and reach the station. But you can’t really do much mission running from a shuttle.

I don’t see much angle for abuse here, because the “scout ship” meta always did focus on just plain using expendable ships. And the difference between escaping in a 5000 isk ship as opposed to just letting them blow you up in a corvette (with no implants) is pretty hard to strategize around.

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Anyone using a shuttle to scout in nullsec is at a serious handicap, because their scout is obviously not blue to the alliance they are scouting. Therefore everyone knows that they are being scouted and has fair warning to expect an attack.

Vexors are superior scouting vessels compared to shuttles. Nobody suspects the blue newbie in a Vexor.

Blackout was good, made the little piggys worry, they never knew when the big bad wolf would strike.

The best scout is the spy in your fleet

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So what you trying to say is that real men PvP naked and have big crosses?

If in your assessment they are the definition of real men then sure. :wink: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smirk:

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you are sarcastic there right ? tell me you are so…

No, I’m serious.

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