Shuttle kill - my hero

Sometimes its 5 smarbombing battleships, sometimes its hundred drones abandoned on gate to decloak people coming in.

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nothing more fun than smartbombing in low sec :smiley:

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An elite pvper bringing justice to those not looking for, but especially not equipped for a fight.

He could travel lowsec a bit, or set a destination for a known nullsec stronghold… maybe even scan down a WH.

Nope. gAtE sMaRt BoMbInG! sO eLiTe!!

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I agree, assets stored or transported in shuttles should be competely immune to all damage, attacks or accidents.

In fact, why stop at shuttles?

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First, I wasn’t whining - I didn’t really give a ■■■■, frankly - it did get me home faster.

I’m just having fun watching all you forum trolls get all bent out of shape calling me names.

I knew you would all flash all over my post - fun! Thanks…lol

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Doubt. You sure sound sour for someone who got a quick pod express home. Or do you call everyone who helps you


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Maybe he was referring to himself?

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From the top on my mind possible motivations may be:

  1. whatever you lost need to be replaced. People selling stuff love recurring costumers, some even take the extra effort to ensure their products will be on demand.
  2. Even in a pod with no implants you can gather intel. Eliminating your pod eliminates this risk.
  3. Elimination of possible competitor from the area. Which makes the area more lucrative or/and safe for the locals.

IOW “just being there” is often reason enough to someone kill you.


You never know if the pod (or shuttle) is empty. Sometimes a simple kill like that is worth billions.

no, I was referring to players who kill defenseless miners and shuttlers with a Marshall or a gang of loafers…what a ridiculous usage of such a fine ship…sitting at a gate. To me, it’s lowlarious.

Same as a stagecoach robber with a gang attacking passengers for their wallets…

Same as a pirate ship robbing a rowboat…

Same as a dictator killing thousands of innocent working people with an elite armed force of police…

No different - just pathetic

All losers…

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You see, your loss was his happiness. So you should also be happy that overall happiness increased in the world.


You never came pass me I use 3 or 4 smartbombers :slight_smile:

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2 smartbombers would kill that.

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Smartbombing low is the best and so much ez isk to be made.

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Lol get wrecked. I need to log in more so I can watch more of that.

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Calm down tryhard. Your rl morality issues dont apply to spaceships and pixels.

I looked thru your zkill, not a single gank on there. Just a bunch of nul or losec losses. Those are not ganks.

Edit: holy crap dude, you lost a proc with modulated deep core strip miners with no crystals and ark in the ore hold?

I don’t see how you could possibly determine the nature of a kill by what you find on ZKill. Add that to the fact ZKill doesn’t have every ship I’ve lost, and we likely have different definitions of what a gank is, because I have most certainly been ganked multiple times.

As I understand, “ganking” is laying in wait for a player (a specific one or any in general). That is how I’ve lost most of my ships, to gankers laying in wait for a potential kill to pass by.

Edit: From what I’ve just read online, “ganking” is using underhanded means to kill an opponent, or killing an opponent with a gang. The first definition is subjective, but I’d say it fits, and I’ve definitely lost ships to gangs.

Either way, a loss is a loss, semantics aside, and my post still applies either way. As for the rest, I enjoy EVE, but I never claimed to be particularly good at it.

The important thing is: did you learn what allowed this to happen, and how to minimize this risk is the future? If so, you are now better at the game than before, and if next time you travel low sec you are moving something with value, you have more strategies to avoid a loss that would actually cause financial/gametime impact. Seems like a pretty cheap lesson.

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