Silvana Innovations - UK US EU TZ

Silvana Innovations

A Null Sec Corporation that has its origins in Transport. Since then it has expanded its research capabilities developing & distributing cybernetics & pharmaceuticals with military applications.

With proximity to both our NS Trade Hub & the HS major Trade Hubs, Silvana Innovations is in a key location to support all Industrial operations.

We are also seeking to increase our military capabilities to support our operations.

We are relaxed, mature community, focused on Camaraderie.

Here is what we can offer you,

  • Access to an in-depth BPO Library.

  • Access to resource from R64 moon goo to Gas Clouds.

  • Free Ships to help you on your journey.

  • A ship replacement program.

  • A fast & fair Corporation buy back system.

Join our Discord to find out more - Silvana Innovations

Still LF Pilots who would like to get in to the Drugs Business.

Drop by our Discord & say hi.

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