I love the fact that you are giving away skill points but there seems to be a lack of consistency when you do it. Near the start of the year, you gave only 3 days to obtain all 3 rewards (I missed day 3 as you can probably guess). I’m sure there was some solid feedback on pilots missing out so you changed it during the big give away during the 16th anniversary to a system where you had 18 days to collect 16 rewards. This was very helpful for myself in the US (and others I assume) especially having to work late during the start date. It meant I didn’t have to miss out again just because I had other priorities. But come around to this Skillpoint weekend and you are back to the 3 days to collect 3. The side effect for me and others will be that I’m going to miss out on 125k for the last day. For me, that’s 6 accounts for a grand total of 750k SP missed out. Add this to the first time I missed out and I’m out 1.5m SP.
Salty? Yes. But I’m mostly salty because I had hoped (assumed?) it was going to be similar to the 16th anniversary giveaway where I perhaps had 4 or 5 days to collect the 3 rewards.
So, CPP, where is the consistency?
Alternatively, where can I get my 1.5m SP that I missed out on because I have a job!
Friday’s are great and all, for sure. However, my weekend starts Saturday morning when I wake from my slumber.
If they are going to continue to give things away, wouldn’t it make more sense to just be consistent and recognize that there is a time difference (gasp! what?) and provide 4 days to collect the 3 rewards. A simple win win for everyone!
claiming reward doesnt require you spend more than 2 minutes of your time: launch all 6 clients at once - claim reward on character select screens, close clients.
And weekend is just that - weekend. From DT on friday to DT on monday, EvE time.
Can’t click anything on my computer when I’m at work. That’s not a complex concept I hope. Unless you don’t have a job, or a life, then I understand it’s hard to grasp. The fact remains, I miss out on Friday. It’s already Saturday when I’m in a position to do so.
[quote=“Bunny_Sweetcheeks, post:7, topic:185511, full:true”]
Friday’s are great and all, for sure. However, my weekend starts Saturday morning when I wake from my slumber. [/quote]
Server is in Europe, not the US. They are hours ahead of you and DT is the middle of the day for them. US has DT at 3-6 AM at the same time across the time zones in 48 states, unless you work over night thats plenty of time between each DT to DT and log in for a few minutes. This is not kill X number, its at the character screen…30 second each accout and drop on a character.