3 April YC122
Ardishapur Prime
Ave, Faithful.
It is with great pleasure that I announce the successful incorporation of the Templar Order of Saint Junip [SNTJP] under the auspices of the Secure Commerce Commission. The Templar Order of Saint Junip will exist as a capsuleer-based Preceptory chapter of the existing Military Order of Martyr Knights and the Temple of Saint Junip of the Royal Family of Ardishapur under Grandmaster Jezion Kufiri.
The Templar Order of Saint Junip will continue the good works of the Military Order of Martyr Knights and the Temple of Saint Junip by seeking to provide capsuleer fleet-based assets to supplement already existing military forces of the Order in addition to providing charitable succour and support to the Faithful through civilian numeraries and supernumeraries.
Templar Order of Saint Junip [SNTJP] will presently be enlisted in the 24th Imperial Crusade in order to render assistance defending the interests of the Military Circuit of the Rebel Provinces accorded to the authority of the Royal Family of Ardishapur. During this period, the Preceptory Chapter will endeavour to recruit and provide support for new initiates into the Chapter to bolster frontline capsuleer forces of the House Ardishapur Military Circuit of the Rebel Provinces.
Plus Ultra,
Zakir Fereyd,
Templar Order of Saint Junip
About Templar Order of Saint Junip
With its main Preceptory within the grounds of the Temple of Saint Junip in the city of Dam-Zorash on the planet Radonis in the system of Ardishapur Prime, the Templar Order of Saint Junip [SNTJP] is the SCC registered and incorporated chapter of the Military Order of Fellow Martyr Knights and the Temple of Saint Junip which follows the teachings and holy wisdom of the Word of Saint Junip of Aerui.
Swearing fealty and obedience to the Royal Ardishapur Family, the Order seeks to implement the teachings of Saint Junip of Aerui through righteous thought and action; the defense of the Faithful; the Reclaiming of the heathen and infidel; and the destruction of the heretic and apostate as personal oblations to God in service to His Holy Empire.
In addition, in recognition of the divinely inspired nature of Saint Junip, the Order undertakes charitable good works providing succour and support to intersex, non-binary, and transgender Faithful across the Holy Empire of Amarr.
The Military Order of Martyr Knights and the Temple of Saint Junip was formed by Royal Decree of the Royal Family of Ardishapur during the Moral Reforms of Imperial Majesty Heideran V. It has served with distinction to House Ardishapur during the Apostolic Heresies, Khanid Secession, and Great Abnegation of the Rebel Provinces.