So i am turning 50

And according to media i should be having a midlife crisis, but since i don’t have the money for one. I don’t own a car so i can’t switch to a sporty model, nor do i have a wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend so i can’t trade to a younger model.

So what am i to do? :smiley: , can one just ignore the whole thing?. I am open to suggestions, both humorus and serious, also it would be fun to hear of your 50th …


1st off, congrats…

Secondly, splurge on 1 thing. A GREAT bottle of something, a good meal with a friend (your treat) or a nice little trip.

Make sure it’s a consumable and not a thing.


Rent a sporty car buy anime pillow case…go wild.


1.000 shares in Minerbumping. This will get you a Supreme Protector’s Tip of the Hat™. Join the elite of elite in EVE.

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Humorous suggestion: dont use plane but viking boat. :upside_down_face:


According to media they like to portray others as having crisis,
while disregarding how much they try to make others having crisis.
They can’t see the relation between not understanding and trying to not understand, even though they clearly know the other was always wrong, and the only reason they can keep holding them wrong, is because they were always of good character.
Subterfuge is very similar except it’s more legal and justifiable due to the conditions in which and during which it is applied and accomplished to completion and success, with colors of rights.

Buy yourself a bot Chinese companion bot.


I couldn’t afford a mid-life crisis either. Actually I didn’t feel any kind of crisis coming on at all. The years before 50 were more of a crisis for me (acne, trying to find a girlfriend, no money, not enough money, bossed around by barbarian supervisors, trying to figure out WTH life as a human is supposed to be about, goldfish died, etc.) It seemed to me that if somebody at 50 was going to have a crisis, that would be a pretty emotionally immature guy who picked a pretty dumb time to start making trouble for himself.

Anyway, the idea about getting yourself some nice food or drink or both sounds great. Maybe also spend a small amount of RL money, buy some PLEX, sell them, buy your dream ships and fit them with officer mods, buy some shiney implants too, and go blow things up and get blown up. Live space rich for a day. :money_mouth_face:


Sure, but how many caps are in your hangar? Any self-respecting gamer over the age of fifty must have his own Rorqual fleet.

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Read a book called “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck”.

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I’m reaching 50 and have already had my crisis. I got divorced at 40 and bought a cool sports car, went on many holidays, learnt to ski and paraglide and got a girlfriend 8 years younger than me.

today, the car has been traded for a family Audi, dont go on holidays any more but still go skiing. the girlfriend turned into my wife and then my ex-wife and im now back to a stable life playing eve on the evenings loosing ships like i just opened an artery in my neck.

if it comes, grab it with both hands and enjoy the ride, but dont force it, it will feel fake.


I didn’t have a crisis in the traditional sense, but I did decide it was time to purchase a proper 88 key electric piano that I can use for as long as my fingers keep working. My bum hip prevents me from skiing anymore so it’s a fair trade off.

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We could throw a party in minmatar chat!
I could write drunken ■■■■ like in the old days!

Don’t worry about the number. It just tells you that you’ve managed to revolve around the Sun for the 50th time. I have no idea what you could do, tbh, but hey … happy birthday! :smiley:


You’re missing out. The car is a blast.

Well besides the EVE people and family wishing me a happy birthday, my cable company did :open_mouth: . That really suprised me, anyway birthday spent with pizza :D.
And some games, i was pondering getting some cider. But i totally forgot that when i got the pizza :frowning: , so anyway thank you for all the suggestions.


Ah, to be a young 50 now days…

Anyway, I always claim It’s the mileage and wear and tear that effects the value/condition of an object, not the year it was produced.


Hire a prostitute for like a month. Have fun.

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Congrats! Enjoy most of these horrible advice.

I plan to do a heist, dressed as Lawrence of Arabia and riding a robotic camel.

If that’s not an option due to camel costs, I’ll probably splurge on a trip to Japan.

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The most important part of the camel is not the robotic but the smell.
Just make sure it smells like a camel and not like a robot instead.