Returning player just short of 70m SP. Been away just under a year but uni is done from Friday and will have a number of months to waste away over summer.
AUTZ and looking for chilled out null. Don’t mind shooting stuff but don’t want to do it 23/7. Don’t care too much for the region either. Real life age is 40+ so not an annoying kid on a mic and don’t want to join a corp of 14 year olds either.
Have three accounts but only one on Omega right now to see if I can find a good home. My alt is a carrier pilot and 3rd account is a small ship pvp’r but tbh i might sell that character as my main can do all that.
Let me know who is recruiting and any questions please ask here or ingame
Hello Rob, any interest in checking out Pochven? We’d love to have you join us and help build up this new area of space.
Stribog Kybernaut Subclade offers players the opportunity to live in Pochven, the newest null-security region in EVE. Pochven has unique gameplay and mechanics, found nowhere else in New Eden, and functions like a series of interconnected wormhole systems independent from the rest of New Eden, apart from filaments and wormhole connections.
What we offer:
ム Industry - Build up your industry and set yourself up on the path to self sufficiency or turn a profit selling to the local residents
ム Logistics - Transport into and out of Pochven with easy connections to Empire space
ム Mining - Mine unique and profitable ores and ice found only in Pochven
ム PvE - Battle Drifters, Rogue Drones, and EDENCOM
ム PvP - Fight solo or in small-gang warfare
ム Training - Learn how to live, operate, and thrive in this new Region
Stribog is recruiting new capsuleers and corporations of all skill levels and vocations. From moon-mining to small gang PvP, our alliance caters to players on any career path.
We have established ourselves as the largest, most organized, and most industrially developed pro-Trigalvian alliance in Pochven and, over the course of the invasion, we have built up a great community with a number of experienced FCs and dedicated players. We are always looking for like-minded players who are interested in experiencing new content and creating something new.
If you are interested in joining, apply in-game to Stribog Proving [SKS3P] and authenticate on our Discord Server.
Hey! I recently started a lore-based corporation, but we’re very new and still working to recruit members. We are currently based in high-sec, but migration into the Great Wildlands and eventual sov null is on the books with our alliance. Not exactly what you’re asking for but thought I’d give ya a shout. Even if RP/lore isn’t your thing, you still got a home here, it’s just the background of the corp. and its name. Look us up in game at “Congress on Luminaire Republicanism”, ticker: “CO.LR”. You can find more info on the corp information tab there. Fly safe o/
Rabid Care Bears is currently recruiting new members. We have a core group of members who have been around 10+ years. We are a laid back fun bunch that puts real life first. We all know people have families and jobs. We are looking for pilots of all areas. We live in a nice section of null with our alliance and we are surrounded by lots of blues. This makes it nice for our miners and ratters. We have access to many full leveled systems with ore anoms for our miners and combat sites for our cap/super ratters. We also have lots for our pvp pilots to do. We have a very active home defense fleet as well as access to many small and large pilot fleets. We are looking for like minded individuals to come fly with us and enjoy the game.
What we can offer:
-very friendly helpful laid back community that allows you to enjoy the game as you please
-lots of access to null sec
-mining fleets with bonuses
-ore/salvage buy back program
training fleets
-pvp roams large and small scale
-leveled systems for mining and ratting
alliance jump freighter service
-discord and mumble for coms
We are excited to hear from you. Please contact me in game via evemail at Rorianis. I have regular access to this even when not it game so I will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also join the RCB Recruitment channel in game and speak to a
recruitment officer.
Hey mate! If you’re still looking, I can recommend Farmers Union Iced Coffee [FUIC]. We fly with WBVB and a few other AUTZ groups multiple times per week. Check out the ad our CEO posted a while back: