Social Capital and the Transhuman Zenith

Comrade Priano,

Putting aside the issue of trans-humanity, I must wholeheartedly agree that the Empires and CONCORD can do far more to incentivize capsuleers to make the correct choice… though it pains me to admit the necessity of it, the fact of the matter is that fighting a war takes ISK, and reports indicate that the triangles are paying more of it.

Dr. Riordan,

You seem to misinterpret that for which CONCORD was created. It was never an organization to police the Empires, but to uphold inter-imperial law for the sake of trade and stabilizing relations. The DED involves itself with individual criminals.

Besides that, “Killing us for a hundred years” is a logical fallacy, as well as patently false. Each empire offers better life now than it did a hundred years ago. In fact, the past roughly hundred years have been relatively peaceful, all things considered.

You talk of them quashing capsuleers but I must in fact agree with comrade Elkin’s assessment of CONCORD leniency towards capsuleers. Stricter control is necessary in addition to incentivizing the right path.

It is a shame I came in here after the political degeneracy has started to run rampant, so I’ll forgo replying to any messages made after these I am replying to above.

I’m not even sure how that’s reasonably possible. ISK is, after all, a fiat currency. It only works because CONCORD says it works. It only exists because CONCORD says it exists. How are the Trigs giving it to anyone? How is there not an immediate system-wide audit going on to find those receiving these fraudulent payments from the Triglavians so they can be dealt with?


People have asked the SCC and received no answer. Bureaucracy… Uhg.

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