Social skill and standing loses

Does social skill affect derived standing loses?


No, it only affects the standing gained. If your are worried about derived standing losses, you can run the SoE Epic Arc (Level 1), every 90 days, the standing gain from completing this does not have derived standing penalty.

Connections and Diplomacy skill effects can be interpreted as “decrease standings loss” - the lower the absolute standings the stronger their effects.

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Ok thank you. Then I’ll train it for mission running.

I believe I trained all to level 4, except Fast Talk and Mining Connections.

Boosts standings from NPCs (agents, corps, and factions) if above 0.0 standing.

Criminal Connections
Boosts standings from NPCs with negative CONCORD standing.

Boosts standings from NPCs if below 0.0 standing.

Distribution Connections
Improves loyalty point gain when working for Agents in the Distribution Division.

Fast Talk
Faster security standing increases.

Mining Connections
Improves loyalty point gain when working for Agents in the Mining Division.

Increases ISK rewards offered by mission agents

Security Connections
Improves loyalty point gain when working for Agents in the Security Division.

Boosts the size of standings increases with NPCs, NPC corporations and NPC factions

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