SOLD 113 Mil sp Titan/Dread pilot

Lord 2Evil Quantum Anomaly

Used as Titan/Dread pilot, can use other ships besides that as well. (check link)
Bad boy with -7 Security status, Located in Aubenall
Nice track record so far Zkill

Comes with 1x set of High grade amulets.

Toon is in NPC corp
No assets
No kill rights
CCP rules apply

75 Bill start
90 Bill B/O

90B offer, can send ISK upon confirmation

Offer accepted. you may send the isk and account info.

ISK and details sent :slight_smile:

Isk received, Transfer initiated. Please confirm when you have the toon :slight_smile:

1 Like

Thank you kindly, and will do!

Character received!

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