11m SP (+110k unallocated)
+5 Learning Clone (Jita 4-4) - Approx 0.5b
Rorq Skillbooks - Approx 2bil
Located in Jita 4-4
Positive Wallet, No kill rights, no jump clones
Annual Remap Available (Currently Intel/Memory)
2 Bonus Remaps Available
Price: 9b
Considerably cheaper than injecting your own to this stage
Replies here, I don’t login to check mail
Philips SmartPro is a character in the MMORPG Eve Online. They have amassed 11,022,097 skillpoints and they're currently training 0 skills in their skill queue. Click to learn more about this character
So are your two accounts still for sale? pay 8B
I’ve 9 to sell, SPs: 24/23/20/11/11/5/5/5/5 (This posting being one of the 11s)
I’m only listing a couple at a time as I’m in no rush and see no benefit in flooding the market, the values are well calculated and will sell sooner or later
Given the above, I am only accepting the full b/o’s, sorry
Still available - 9b B/O
No lower offers considered
Still available - 9b B/O
No lower offers considered
Still available - 9b B/O
No lower offers considered
Still available - 9b B/O
No lower offers considered
Still available - 9b B/O
No lower offers considered
No sorry, prices are carefully chosen and they factor in the point at which its worth for me to sell or just keep
Accepted, I’ll be heading to bed soon so may be started in the morning
March 11, 2023, 11:00am
yea, i slept too, isk sent, account details sent
June 9, 2023, 11:06am
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