[SOLD] 17.3+ mil Miner/Refiner

Located in Jita
No Killrights
1 Jumpclone - Hasiari VIII-Moon 4-Ammatar Consulate Bureau
Positive Wallet

All processing skills except moon ore and ice processing at lvl 3 or higher, most being lvl 4
Ice, Gas, and Deep Core mining at lvl 4, Mining at lvl 5

Caldar, Minmatar, Amarr and Gallente at 1+

BO 12.5 bil
Yearly Remap:1
Bonus Remaps:2


9.5b right now?

Was hoping for 11bil+

I’ll pay 11 bil

If theres no better offer in 48 hours it’s yours


Alright Trader Jolinda, Please Mail the Isk and Account Info to Tiniden Amamtin, and I’ll get the transfer started

ISK transferred and account information emailed to Tiniden Amatin.

Transfer In Progress,
Pleasure doing business with you.

Character Transfer Received

Dear …,

Another player is transferring the character Tiniden Amatin to your account named …

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on the sender account, but will not be playable until the transfer automatically completes.

Thank you for a smooth transaction.

The character transfer has completed.

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