WTS 21m SP Ratting / Industry / Amarr PvP


  • 0 ISK in wallet at the moment
  • No Jumpclones
  • Located in Agha - 0.7
  • Only been part of one corp / Factional Warfare NPC corp
  • Positive Standing
  • No kill rights
  • 1 Remap available

Check the skills out!

Price: Make me an offer :- )

I can offer 10.51b :slight_smile:



If offer is still up, I accept it. Please send ISK and account info whenever you’re ready.

I’ll notify you once transfer’s been started.

Thanks! :- )

I am sorry I got something else, please differ to @Lakar_Skjem


Given that Ametus’ offer fell through, I accept your offer if it is still up. Please send ISK and account info whenever you’re ready.

I’ll notify you once transfer’s been started.

Thanks! :- )

If this get accepted before another toon I’m trying to buy I’ll do 11b. Isk ready


If you’re ready I am ready right now. I can do 11b.
Please send ISK and account info whenever you’re ready.

I’ll notify you once transfer’s been started.

Thanks! :- )

Logging in give me a sec

Isk and account info sent


We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Mirie Ataru

Will be completed after: 4/7/2021 1:01:18 PM

Thanks! Treat my Mirie well! <3


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