WTS 13.7m SP Miner/Refiner

Miner for Sale.
Good resource processing skills.
Has some cheap implants.
In NPC corp
No kill rights
Does not have negative wallet
has remap available.
0.0 sec status
Located in Sharhelund

:fire:Exhumers V
:fire:Amarr Industrial
:fire:Ice Harvesting
:fire:Mining Upgrades
:fire:Mining Barge


5 bill

7 bil



Still accepting offers. Anything over 7bil will be considered.

7,5 bil bo?

Accepted. Send ISK and I will begin transfer.
Eve mail also sent ingame

isk and info sent

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Lord Plagous

Will be completed after: 8/6/2017 11:25:53 PM
