SOLD - 3.5m SP Exploration Starter, Interceptor, Astero Pilot, CovOps Cloak

3b is the price to warrant the transfer fee!

I am in a hurry to free up the character slot, so will biomass shortly if no interest.

Send ISK and in-game mail with account details to me - ready to transfer!

Taking 2b for the next 30 mins. Biomass after that and not cancelling the process.

Ill offer you the 2

Offer of 2b accepted. Please transfer isk and send in-game message with account details. Will transfer asap.

Hope you have a free slot on the account :wink:

Ill be home in a little over an hour, will send then :+1:

Ready when you are

Still for sale?

If you are ready with the isk I am about to put it through the meat grinder

I am ready - sending 2 bil isk and account info to you now!

2 bil isk and account info was sent in game.

Received isk and will transfer to provided account. Thank you for easy transaction !

Transfer Completed - Please confirm receipt ?

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Relic Monk

Will be completed after: 4/30/2020 4:17:20 PM

Transfer e-mail from CCP was received - thank you!

Thanks! Have fun :slight_smile:

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