I want to sell this Pilot: Ovi Aivo
- Wallet Balance
0 ISK at Time of Transfer - Killrights
none - Jump Clones
none - Character Location
Jita (HS)
Please leave Offers below
I want to sell this Pilot: Ovi Aivo
Please leave Offers below
Offer 3b
i offer 3.5b
offer 3.6b
now 3.7
3.8 b now
4.0 now
Accepted 4B from @Debbie_Walker . Feel free to send ISK and Account Details. I will initiate the Transfer as soon as I am back Home around 16.00 EVE Time.
Thanks to all Bidders!
I send you the isk one moment ago with my banker, i need create an account, i send the acc name in some minutes, when downtime pass. Already send the acc name.
Just came back Home and started the Transfer. Thank you!
Dear xxx,
You have chosen to transfer the character Ovi Aivo to the account named xxx.
We are currently processing this transfer. The character you are transferring will remain on your account, but will not be playable until the transfer automatically completes.
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