SOLD - 50m SP T2 Rorq / Produciton / Perfect PI / Reprocessing


T2 Rorqual Pilot (T2 Industrial core, Capital industrial V, JDC 5)
Maxed Planetary Interactions
Near perfect Reprocessing skills (lacking new moon ore)
Super Cap production
Can fly Ceptor and Frieghter

All CCP rules followed
Wallet isk +
No Kill Rights
Location Perimeter
NPC Corp

Starting Bid 36 bil

B/O 50 bil


Daily Bump

To the top

Bump up



40 bil noted giving a few more days.

40Bil until I buy another Rorq Pilot.

41 bil

Bids noted, auction ends 10/13 2359. Sunday night

Less than 48 hours left

24 hours left

Nice toon free bump.

@Immeral_Liadon winner send isk and in game message for what account to send character to. 24 hours to respond

hi. Isk and accaunt info sent

Transfer started: 1038 UTC

Character Name: Barnabus Sanders

Will be completed after: 10/14/2019 8:38:18 PM

all done ty :blush:

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