[SOLD] 7.7m Starting Character


No kill rights
Positive wallet
As stated by CCP I will pay the transfer fee
2 bonus remap available
Jita 4-4 // Positive Wallet
No jump clones

Starting 4.5b… b/o 5b

4bill bid

Thanks…but starting bid is 6b

Not really worth the 6 ur asking, but ill bump my bid up to 4.5b


Updated starting bid and b/o

4.5B good to go right now.

Ok, send ISK and details please

Isk sent, with account details

You didnt send the account details

http://prntscr.com/l496co its in the reason

So you want me to trans to the account listed in the “Reason”

Yes Please, and mail when its confirmed please as well

Transfer in progress. Thank you

Email came in, transfer started, thank you.

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