[SOLD] 71.9mil (+256k unallocated) SP Amarr Dread V & Logi V

WTS Myself, Amarr Dread V Char full details here:

Located in Jita 4-4
Wallet is green.
Sec Status is -0.2.
Yearly remap ready
1 bonus remap available
No killrights

Starting bid 50b, b\o 70b

50 bil

54b offered

55b offer

Thank you for the bids, going to leave this character up for offers for 1 week.

Will close on 11/6/18 at 21:00 EVE time, thank you for your interest still looking for better offers.

sent ingame private offer

Apologies slow reply, just replied to ingame offer.

Ingame offer accepted, ISK and account info sent. Thank you.

Confirming ISK received and character transferred. Enjoy!

Confirms character received.

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