Skillpoints 56,108,337 - All frigates T2, all Destroyers T2, all Cruz T2 (except Gallente), Legion and Tengu subs on lvl 4 and 5,all BCs lvl 4, Minmatar BS lvl 5 (other lvl 4), all drones T2 (except Heavy), all Small, Medium and Heavy Weapons T2 (except Hybrids), all most important Engineering, Armor and Shield skills on lvl 5, also basic Scaning skills (they allow to scan and hack relics in 0.0 in CovOps), check eveboard for more details.
Location - HS Jita 4-4
NPC Corp
Active JC - 1 in Jita 4-4 second station (Max - 5)
Positive wallet ballance
Security Status 4.23
Unallocated SP 355,689
Free Remaps 1
No Kill Rights/No bounty
Nice green KB
Unlocked Missions LV4 in Caldari Navy (7.92) and Sisters of EVE (6.57)
9.13 Stand to True Creations (Sansha)
Few LP in various Corps
I will pay for Transfer Fee ofc. Starting bid 45 Bil. Buyout 55 Bil.