Sold, please close

Pictures below up to date with current stock

All Blueprints located in Jita 4/4
Payment accepted in Isk
Capital ship and component bpos for sale at npc price, large discount for buying all
Description, research level, price, and npc price follows image.
All trades made via contract, no direct trades.

Contents in order:

Capital Components
Modules SOLD
Capital Ships (Carriers, Dreads, Freighters) SOLD
Ammo/Charges SOLD
T2 Components SOLD
T2 Capital Components SOLD
Sub-capital ships SOLD
Drones/Light Fighters SOLD

Capital Components: Top half are 10/20, bottom half 9/20, all for sale individually @ npc price
OR 16.09B for all 10/20 (15 pieces, NPC price 17.09B) - 1B savings below npc price
OR 44B for all 9/20 (35 pieces, NPC price 52.63B) - 8.63B savings below npc price
OR 53B for all (50 pieces, NPC price 69.7B) - 16.7B savings below npc price

Sent you a mail

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Sent you a mail

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Please contract the following to me:

  • T2 Components, all 10/20, 450m for all (466m npc price)
  • T2 Capital Components, all 10/20, 400m for all (420m npc price)
  • Drones/Light fighters, 10/20 except those in red box, 700m (1.08b npc price)
  • Misc, standup M-set cap comp manuf ME 10/0, standup M-set cap comp manuf TE 10/0, Fuel blocks 10/20, RAM 10/20, container 0/0, 80m (144m npc price)
  • charges, assorted research levels (most ammo 10/18, most mining crystals 10/20, rest pretty random or low) 400m (593m npc price)
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Above messages replied to, created contracts based on chronological order of requests, still available:

All Capitals minus charon, providence, revelation - 15.7b (17.77b npc price)
Capital Components 85b (90.76b npc price)
Modules 700m (1.04b npc price)

So given that you only issued one contract to me, I take it the other things were already taken?

I got the Misc one, xD

For now, unfortunately the three of you had largely the same requests.

Sales went through, above thread updated with remaining stock

Contract me 14 extractors(at 490m/u if still avilable)

Sorry for the confusion, I’m willing to take part of the payment as extractors @ 490m p/u. There’s several people actively selling extractors right now at about that price that you should reach out to if you haven’t already

Will take Phoenix, Moros, Fenrir and 1x Obelisk, all 9/14 or 9/16.

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Contract up to:

Original post is cleaned up and fully up to date now, capital components now available for individual purchase @ npc price, discount for purchasing all cap comp bpos increased

in-game mail sent

Modules, research varies from 0/0 to 10/20, 550m (1.04b npc price) Contract to me

Capital ships: all 9/14 or 9/16 except one obelisk is 7/0. 7.4b for all remaining (8.232b npc price), npc price for individual sales if 7b contract to me as well?

*Pm’d about capital components.

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Mail replied ingame via alt, thanks

Thread will be updated as sales pending complete

Pease contract me 1 of each unique 10/20 capital BPO’s at 21bil to me please

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Accepted and contracted, thank you

For anyone wondering, pictures are up to date what is available

contract accepted! Thank you

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Prices updated:

Capital Components: Top half are 10/20, bottom half 9/20, all for sale individually @ npc price

OR 16.09B for all 10/20 (15 pieces, NPC price 17.09B) - 1B savings below npc price
OR 44B for all 9/20 (35 pieces, NPC price 52.63B) - 8.63B savings below npc price
OR 53B for all (50 pieces, NPC price 69.7B) - 16.7B savings below npc price