bitontherock 29 bill buyout

33 bil for marla

Will accept 29 bill for bitontherock. Send isk and info will start the transfer when i get to my computer then

Thanks for the offer but its a bit to low

what exactly is your price then?

starting price is 35 on marla.

isk and account info sent waiting for character

isk recieved…

character transfer started

transfer recieved

38 bil ready now for this character

I can bid 9.5B for .bitfrombehind

bit seen. but abit to low.

bid seen. if no higher @ 20 eve time its yours.

Marla is now yours if you still want it send isk and account info and I will start the transfer

isk send and account info in mail box

isk recieved and transfer started

still interrested?


can you do 11 bill on it?

Last quotation 10B