Sold sold sold

Interdictor/Tactical destroyer/Faction Frig and a good range of other ships

Located empire
Pos wallet
pos sec status
1 remap
2 bonus remaps
I pay the xfer fee
All ccp rules Apply

BUyout 6 bill

upity do da day



Hello bud, hope you be alright

I’ll take it for 6b

Sending isk and acc info

no probs send isk and acc name to myself and i will begin the xfer

Isk and acc sent

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Immortal Bitch

Will be completed after: 7/28/2019 2:16:40 AM

Characted received

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