SOLD SOLD - WTS 2011 Character - No Corp History, clean character

Selling clean, fresh 6 year, 8 month old character with 55,074 SP - Password : 123

No corp history, only been in same NPC corp since creation.
2 Remaps available
Loacated In HS. Kisogo VII - State War Academy
No killrights.
Positive wallet balance
No jump clones

Starting bid - 2.5b
B/O - 5b

I’ll offer 2.5 bil for Rissa

bumping thread

Will you take 3.5 bil ?

Bid 4 bil

Bids closing in 24 hours.

sold to Votineque

Please xfer 4bil to Rissa Kurvora and mail me account name to transfer character too

Isk sent and Acct info mailed,

Character transfer started. Character transferred to account listed in email.

Pleasure doing business with you.

Please close thread.

Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold - Sold

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