skill points: 36.5 kk
ss: +
kill rights: -
remaps: 2
location: Jita
titan 5 jupms 5 DD 5 123456
start 40b
b/o 46


cant be a perfect titan pilot with no shield or armor skills… but hey free bump

40 billions



just let you know that my bid is still valid

sale is not in a hurry
bump. 35.5sp=>36.5sp

I can offer to 42b now

go privat

Accepted your proposal
43b will be transferred to you by using Luis SR Character
Transfer Account to: lu386672

waiting for comfirmation

I confirm, I am waiting for money 43b, transfer using plex, an application for support has been created

43b isk Money transferred please check.
once you have confirmed isk, please transfer to the account : lu386672

many thanks

money received, exchange through support (plex) has begun

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